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ML Trash Selector

The goal of this project is to throw waste into the right trash.

To do so you need to connect a webcam to your computer and and arduino uno with 3 servomotors connected.


The model has been created with TeachableMachine :

IMPORTANT : The code can only be run with Python 3.8.1

Run script

Activate virtual environment

  • Window

In the PowerShell enter :

  • Unix/MacOS
source myenv/bin/activate

Then, you can run the script by entering the following command :

(myenv) computerName:ML_trash_selector$ python3

Install libraries

Libraries have to be installed in the virtual env.

The following command permits to install all the libraries needed to run the code :

    activate venv (see above)
    pip install numpy
    pip install pillow
    pip install opencv-python
    pip install tensorflow
    pip install serial

    run main script

Update Model

If you want to update the model you have to create new classes in TeachableMachine and then train the model and export the model using TensorFlow and Keras.

Then you have to replace keras_model.h5 with the downloaded one.

Arduino connection

If you've got error concerning serial communication, check the port com defined in line 13.

arduino = serial.Serial(port="/dev/tty.usbmodem143101", baudrate=9600) # create usb link

On window it might by on port COM.

Do not hesitate to add issues if you've got any errors.


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