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Archive of solutions to competitive programming and algorithms, math, data structure documentation

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This will be updated during the year as the season plays out with code for problems I've solved.

These are solved because they give real time practice with working with algorithms, data structures, mathematics, and problem solving in a fun and relaxing environment.

Setup conda environment

The conda environment has updated python version of 3.10

conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate programming

Some reason it installed the wrong python so I had to manually conda install with

conda install python=3.10

A simpler installation and install packages as needed is to just run the following using python 3.11

conda create --name programming python=3.11
g++ main.cpp -o main

Way to read in int fast in c++

inline int read()
	int x = 0, y = 1; char c = getchar();
	while (c < '0' || c > '9') {
		if (c == '-') y = -1;
		c = getchar();
	while (c >= '0' && c <= '9') x = x * 10 + c - '0', c = getchar();
	return x * y;

How to export a conda environment

conda env export > environment.yaml

Monitoring resources on ubuntu

  1. htop: This is a interactive process viewer for the terminal. It allows you to view detailed information about the processes running on your system, including their CPU and memory usage. To install htop, open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install htop. Then, to run htop, simply type htop in the terminal.
  2. top: This is a similar tool to htop, but it is not as interactive. To run top, simply type top in the terminal.
  3. free: This command displays information about the amount of free and used memory in the system. To run it, type free in the terminal.
  4. df: This command displays information about the amount of free space on your system's disks. To run it, type df in the terminal.
  5. lscpu: This command displays information about the CPU in your system, including the number of cores, the architecture, and the clock speed. To run it, type lscpu in the terminal.
  6. lshw: This command displays detailed information about all of the hardware in your system. To run it, type sudo lshw in the terminal. You may need to install the lshw package first by running sudo apt-get install lshw.

Usage of jit compiler with pypy

Supposed to prevent the memory error, prevents recursion function requiring lots of memory, but can slow down recursive function slightly.

import pypyjit

Setting max_unroll_recursion to -1 essentially disables recursion unrolling, meaning that the JIT compiler will not attempt to unroll recursive function calls at all. This can be useful in cases where unrolling causes performance degradation due to increased memory usage or when recursion depth is unknown or unpredictable. However, disabling unrolling may also result in slower execution for recursive code.


Archive of solutions to competitive programming and algorithms, math, data structure documentation




