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Releases: ThePandemoniumInstitute/botc-release

v3.29.0 - The Standalone App Update

28 Jun 06:40
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  • πŸš€ added Alsaahir and character release script "AL VS AL 2.3" by Ekin
  • πŸš€ updated app build infrastructure and standalone release process (replaced Webpack/Electron with Vite/Tauri)
    • there are now 2 standalone apps for Mac, depending on whether you're using Apple Silicon (M1 or newer) or an Intel Mac
    • the standalone app should now update itself automatically whenever there is a new version available
    • this has the unfortunate side effect, that the standalone Linux version currently does not offer mic / cam support
  • πŸš€ game balance update 029: new ability text for Harpy: "Each night, choose 2 players: tomorrow, the 1st player is mad that the 2nd is evil, or one or both might die."
  • πŸš€ game balance update 028: new ability text for Plague Doctor: "If you die, the Storyteller gains a Minion ability."
  • πŸš€ game balance update 027: new Jinx for Summoner / Preacher: "If the Preacher chose the Summoner on or before the 3rd night, the Summoner chooses which Demon, but the Storyteller chooses which player."
  • πŸš€ game balance update 026: new ability text for the Balloonist: "Each night, you learn a player of a different character type than last night. [+0 or +1 Outsider]"
  • πŸš€ game balance update 025: updated Jinxes for Organ Grinder / Minstrel & Preacher: "If the Minstrel makes everyone drunk/Preacher removes the Organ Grinder ability, the Organ Grinder keeps their ability but the Minstrel/Preacher keeps their eyes open when voting."
  • πŸš€ game balance update 024: removed Jinx for Organ Grinder / Flowergirl (was "If the Organ Grinder is causing eyes-closed voting, the Flowergirl wakes tonight to choose a player: they learn if that player voted today. (instead of their normal ability)")
  • πŸš€ game balance update 023a: updated Jinx for Legion / Preacher: "If the Preacher chooses Legion, Legion keeps their ability, but the Preacher might learn they are Legion."
  • πŸš€ game balance update 023b: new Jinx for Legion / Minstrel: "If Legion died by execution today, Legion keeps their ability, but the Minstrel might learn they are Legion."
  • πŸš€ game balance update 022: updated Jinx for Al-Hadikhia / Mastermind: "If the Al-Hadikhia dies by execution, and the Mastermind is alive, the Al-Hadikhia chooses 3 good players tonight: if all 3 choose to live, evil wins. Otherwise, good wins."
  • πŸš€ game balance update 014 / 021: updated Jinx for Lil' Monsta / Magician: "Each night, the Magician chooses a Minion: if that Minion & Lil' Monsta are alive, that Minion babysits Lil’ Monsta."
  • πŸš€ game balance update 019: new ability text for Lil' Monsta: "Each night, Minions choose who babysits Lil' Monsta & 'is the Demon'. Each night*, a player might die. [+1 Minion]"
  • πŸš€ game balance update 018: Ogre has received a "Friend" reminder token to support the optional rule
  • πŸš€ game balance update 017: new Jinx for Soldier / Kazali: "If the Kazali turns the Soldier into a Minion, the Soldier chooses which not-in-play Minion to become."
  • 🌟 improved login error message in case of wrong email or password
  • 🌟 adjusted JSON Schema for custom scripts / homebrew to allow reminders of up to 25 characters length (and limited number of reminders to 20)
  • 🌟 improved accessibility by labelling a few app elements better via ARIA attributes
  • πŸ› fixed mic / camera still sending to game session when in setup screen (thanks jrg1990)
  • πŸ› fixed private text message counter not updating correctly when player neighbours have changed (thanks silverrzz)
  • πŸ› fixed special bug reporter emote not being visible when animations are disabled (thanks @moutonf)
  • πŸ› fixed bottom of letters being cut off on the character tab (thanks leotheleopardnz)

v3.28.0 - Quality of life improvements

06 Jun 12:23
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  • πŸš€ game balance update 013: new Jinx for Philosopher / Bounty Hunter: "If the Philosopher gains the Bounty Hunter ability, a Townsfolk might turn evil."
  • πŸš€ game balance update 015: updated Jinx for Organ Grinder / Flowergirl: "If the Organ Grinder is causing eyes-closed voting, the Flowergirl wakes tonight to choose a player: they learn if that player voted today. (instead of their normal ability)"
  • 🌟 sessions can now be locked by the Storyteller, preventing new spectators from joining, while still allowing seated players and STs to reconnect
  • 🌟 updated "Mark" button logic for when a vote is tied
  • 🌟 Storytellers can now change the voting speed in increments of 0.25 seconds
  • 🌟 added a link to the account management page to the Help screen
  • 🌟 allow timer to be specified in minutes or seconds
  • πŸ› fixed hover state for player life token during vote (thanks honestauntyelle)
  • πŸ› fixed sessions that contained special URL characters (thanks leotheleopardnz)
  • πŸ› fixed the elusive bug that sometimes caused the days / nights to go below 1 (thanks quicksparta)
  • πŸ› fixed unread message counter on text chat tab showing wrong number in some cases (thanks miazepheles)
  • πŸ› fixed race condition bug which temporarily resulted in more than 20 seats when several STs spammed new seats (thanks leotheleopardnz)
  • πŸ› fixed really long pronouns causing visual glitches on the user list (thanks justjulias)
  • πŸ› fixed vote token animation still showing when hovering a character during Grimoire reveal (thanks hentopen)

v3.27.0 - The Swamp Update

24 May 06:58
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  • πŸš€ added Ogre and character release script "Get Out of my Swamp" by Aero & Jams
  • πŸš€ game balance update 011: new Jinx for Cannibal / Juggler: "If the Juggler guesses on their first day and dies by execution, tonight the living Cannibal learns how many guesses the Juggler got correct."
  • πŸš€ game balance update 012: updated Jinx for Vizier / Magician: "If the Vizier and Magician are both in play, the Demon does not learn the Minions."
  • 🌟 clicking on "Mark" will now automatically end the vote
  • 🌟 moderators can now (temporarily) ban users from the app
  • 🌟 improved app performance by optimizing a few animations
  • 🌟 added hint to Town Square view for how to return to Grimoire view
  • πŸ› fixed pronouns being cut off in some cases (thanks malashaan)
  • πŸ› fixed private chat tab not auto-scrolling with new incoming messages (thanks figblitgafle)
  • πŸ› fixed text chat player names not always showing up in the appropriate color (thanks grunklesqueaky)
  • πŸ› fixed Minstrel reminder token affecting Travellers and themselves (thanks leotheleopardnz)
  • πŸ› fixed "Toggle Whisper" menu entry not working (thanks ropethatbinds)
  • πŸ› fixed King other nights reminder text (thanks errornousername)

3.26.0 - Game Balance Update

15 May 09:01
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  • πŸš€ game balance updates 001-010 have been added:
    • 001 new Jinx for Summoner / Pit-Hag: "The Summoner cannot create an in-play Demon. If the Summoner creates a not-in-play Demon, deaths tonight are arbitrary."
    • 002 new Jinx for Vizier / Politician: "The Politician might register as evil to the Vizier."
    • 003 updated ability text for King: "Each night, if the dead equal or outnumber the living, you learn 1 alive character. The Demon knows who you are."
    • 004 updated Jinxes for Spy / Damsel & Widow / Damsel: "If the Spy/Widow is (or has been) in play, the Damsel is poisoned."
    • 005 updated/new Jinxes for Summoner / Kazali & Summoner / Hatter: "The Summoner cannot create an in-play Demon. If the Summoner creates a not-in-play Demon, deaths tonight are arbitrary."
    • 006 updated Jinx for Summoner / Riot: "If the Summoner creates Riot, all Minions also become Riot."
    • 007a new Jinx for Summoner / Courtier: "If the Summoner is drunk on the 3rd night, the Summoner chooses which Demon, but the Storyteller chooses which player."
    • 007b new Jinx for Summoner / Zombuul: "If the Summoner turns a dead player into the Zombuul, the Storyteller treats that player as a Zombuul that has died once."
    • 007c new Jinx for Summoner / Pukka: "The Summoner may choose a player to become the Pukka on the 2nd night."
    • 007d new Jinx for Summoner / Engineer: "If the Engineer removes a Summoner from play before that Summoner uses their ability, the Summoner uses their ability immediately."
    • 008 new Jinxes for Pit-Hag / Goon, Pit-Hag / Cult Leader & Pit-Hag / Politician: "If the Pit-Hag turns an evil player into the Goon/Cult Leader/Politician, they can't turn good due to their own ability."
    • 009 Teensyville scripts now have 6 Townsfolk, 2 Outsiders, 2 Minions, and 2 Demons. (up from 6/2/2/1)
    • 010 Goblin now has a rulebook entry!
  • 🌟 improved visual clarity for character tokens that can be added more than once to the bag
  • 🌟 text chat name colors will accurately reflect alignment changes now
  • 🌟 in cases of abuse, the ability to change your username or pronouns can now be restricted by moderators
  • 🌟 allow binding of more than one key to the same shortcut (by pressing the "+" button in the Settings)
  • 🌟 night signal cards for "This is the Demon" and "These are your Minions" have become a bit smarter with who they pre-select
  • 🌟 following a player / Storyteller will no longer reset when the current game phase ends
  • 🌟 spectators now automatically leave empty private chats 5 seconds after the last player has left them
  • πŸ› fixed text chat tabs being reduced to "..." (thanks @Unbaloav)
  • πŸ› fixed two cases that seemingly allowed spectators to send public messages (thanks @Unbaloav & @tsuite)
  • πŸ› fixed text chat box cutting off right-most letters (thanks beardytas)
  • πŸ› fixed reminder tokens disappearing when being set for a player without a character token (thanks ploetsch)
  • πŸ› moved video chat position reset button to the voice chat tab, so it doesn't get moved off-screen along with the video overlay
  • πŸ› fixed Storytellers being hidden when there are no seats in a session (thanks supergdpwyl)
  • πŸ› fixed being able to click on a non-neighbouring player in the text chat (thanks natlove)
  • πŸ› fixed text chat player names showing true character color a split second before the Grimoire reveal (thanks viddie)
  • πŸ› fixed being able to still accept private chat requests after leaving your seat (thanks natlove)
  • πŸ› fixed text chat tab opening too wide on small devices (thanks .bntyhntr)
  • πŸ› fixed the annoying issue that prevented people from accepting / cancelling chat requests (thanks croswat)
  • πŸ› fixed removing occupied seats not turning players into spectators appropriately (thanks yacima1000)
  • πŸ› fixed player overlay icons sometimes not scaling properly on Firefox (thanks dramadog15)
  • πŸ› fixed Storyteller token tooltip shrinking down when ST has a cam (thanks _sivart)
  • πŸ› fixed emojis in usernames being cut off (thanks smutchings)
  • πŸ› fixed timer losing the title after being paused during a nomination (thanks miazepheles)
  • πŸ› fixed being able to (accidentally) drag the images on the Edition selection screen (thanks leotheleopardnz_)
  • πŸ› fixed volume sliders showing a slight gap on Chrome (thanks wintermonarch)
  • πŸ› fixed Grimoire being off-center during a Grimoire reveal with condensed character sheets (thanks necromantech)
  • πŸ› fixed some shortcuts breaking system-wide keybindings on the Lobby screen (thanks morseth71)
  • πŸ› fixed a bug that would sometimes fail to sync the characters selected for the bag (thanks leotheleopardnz_)
  • πŸ› adjust voice chat tab styling to prevent it from going off screen on smaller app window sizes (thanks @Smutchings)
  • πŸ› fixed traveller alignments not persisting through a reload as a player (thanks @Smutchings)

v3.25.1 - Session crashes fixed

26 Apr 19:16
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  • πŸ› fixed session log showing "Day NaN" and "Night NaN" (thanks dexvinyl and a few others)
  • πŸ› fixed session booting some users out of the game in certain circumstances, like ending the game, giving grimoire access, etc. (thanks leotheleopardnz and a few others)
  • πŸ› fixed signal night reminder text formatting
  • πŸ› fixed URL to Mac standalone app download (thanks oddgarrett)

Note: it looks like the Mac builds are currently not installing properly - I'll have to look into this.

v3.25.0 - Banshee release

26 Apr 06:15
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  • πŸš€ added Banshee and character release script "SHRIEEEEEEK!" by The Con Couch
  • 🌟 added "Session" chat tab that will contain all session & game events
  • 🌟 improved various other aspects of the text chat
  • 🌟 added night reminder text to Signal window
  • πŸ› fixed spectator chat staying selected when claiming a seat (thanks @inspirationfollows)
  • πŸ› fixed text messages not disappearing after a while
  • πŸ› fixed text messages scrollbar being visible and moving the whole app out of bounds on Safari (thanks @nothingmuch_)
  • πŸ› fixed timer not disappearing when being reset during a nomination (thanks leotheleopardnz_)
  • πŸ› fixed Grimoire Access request staying visible even after the spectator has left the session (thanks laurally_)
  • πŸ› fixed token bag pagination not resetting when switching scripts (thanks miazepheles)
  • πŸ› shrank character icons a bit more on condensed character sheet to prevent overlap (thanks _sivart)
  • πŸ› fixed timer persisting across different sessions (thanks @chrisshieh-direct)

v3.24.0 - Moving to

19 Apr 07:16
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  • πŸš€ the app is now available at which should save you half a minute every time you have to enter the address
  • 🌟 improved text chat layout to show different chat recipients and channels more distinctly
  • 🌟 added a few online session events to the public chat log (e.g. somebody joins / leaves a game)
  • 🌟 improved how requesting Grimoire access works: the ST will now see a notification icon for any open requests and can accept / decline them easier
  • 🌟 added automatic chat server switch suggestion for the Storyteller in case the chat server goes offline
  • πŸ› fixed removing Atheist from the bag not removing other duplicate characters (thanks brot5)
  • πŸ› fixed opening a game session link not taking you into the session if you need to log in again beforehand
  • πŸ› fixed bug that prevented the reminder token popup from showing in some cases (thanks ekinkoker and shadowqueer)
  • πŸ› fixed a bug that would keep a character in the Grimoire if both player & seat were identical to a previous session (thanks @robinswood-botc)
  • πŸ› fixed drag & drop bug that put left hand elements into slightly wrong positions on Firefox & Safari (thanks @moutonf)
  • πŸ› fixed newly promoted Storytellers not receiving the currently selected characters for the bag (thanks hoteloscar)
  • πŸ› fixed night signals not updating correctly when moving / removing players at night (thanks @TomH099)

v3.23.2 - Foolproofing the app

31 Mar 22:35
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  • 🌟 cleaned up Lobby screen to make more space for list of games
  • 🌟 added an upper limit to how many copies of a character can be added to the bag
  • πŸ› fixed app losing focus when changing and then closing settings (thanks miazepheles)
  • πŸ› fixed night signal messages not being marked as read after opening (thanks coolman129921)
  • πŸ› fixed vote numbers being off center on some levels of zoom (thanks _sivart)

v3.23.1 - Fixing a couple of bugs

22 Mar 13:33
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  • 🌟 added Sentinel to Summoner release script "One Quiet Night"
  • 🌟 private chats with more than 6 people will now have smaller video panels to fit all of them on screen
  • πŸ› fixed "Return to Town Square" and other features not playing the appropriate sound effects (thanks croswat)
  • πŸ› fixed shortcuts for accepting chat requests accidentally triggering other (thanks leotheleopardnz)
  • πŸ› fixed travellers being invisibly pre-selected when selecting characters with a Gardener in play (thanks leotheleopardnz)

v3.23.0 - Summoning a new character

22 Mar 07:53
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  • πŸš€ added Summoner and character release script "One Quiet Night" by The Good Couch
  • 🌟 added Streaming Storyteller option to hide cameras on the Town Square from players that are in private chats
  • 🌟 timers will now persist across reloads from the Storyteller
  • 🌟 the "cast vote" shortcut (default: Spacebar) can now be used by the Storyteller to mark a player for execution
  • 🌟 added shortcuts to accept one of the first three chat requests (default shortcuts: 1, 2, 3)
  • 🌟 added app sound volume slider, allowing you to reduce the sound effects volume without muting them
  • 🌟 updated / added subscriber tier nameplate borders
  • πŸ› fixed race condition that would allow 2 players to initiate a private chat at night if they time it just right (thanks diane_eternally_tired)
  • πŸ› fixed player tokens becoming transparent during private chats when using chroma key (thanks koosemose)
  • πŸ› fixed Spy grimoire copy being off center on Microsoft Edge Beta (thanks sp6218)
  • πŸ› fixed colorblind mode being applied incorrectly on Character tab Jinxes (thanks lxthrp)
  • πŸ› fixed bug reporter special animation not scaling correctly with token size
  • πŸ› fixed custom reminder tokens that contained the words "drunk", "poisoned" or "marionette" triggering the night signal warning (thanks puppydog101)
  • πŸ› fixed Gardener becoming removable after a game has started with it (thanks jams13, bungeeman & leotheleopardnz)