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Project Template

This is my personal full stack project template, consisting of:

  • A frontend app, which uses React and is bundled by Vite.
  • A backend server, powered by Node.js and Hono.
  • A package for shared code between services, and a service that automatically rebuilds it on changes.
  • An NGINX reverse proxy.

Other technologies used in the entire project include TypeScript for the frontend, backend and package, and Docker which runs all services.
This template also includes a Prettier .prettierrc and an ESLint .eslintrc.json for the entire project, as well as an .eslintrc.json specific to the frontend. Installing the relevant VSCode extensions is recommended.

Additional services & environment variables can be added in docker-compose.yml.

Local development


Running the services

Run the project using Docker Compose:

docker compose up -d

Then just open http://localhost (port 80) in your web browser to access the frontend React app; the backend can be accessed from http://localhost/api.

Any changes you make to the frontend will automatically be shown in the browser, while any changes made to the backend code will cause the development server to restart. Both services will react to changes made to the package.

Updating environment variables

Environment variables for the entire project are stored in the .env file. After editing this file:

  • If any new variables were added, add them to the relevant services in docker-compose.yml:

    Note that all frontend variables have to be prefixed with VITE_; This prefix can be changed.

        - VITE_ENV_VAR=${ENV_VAR}
        - ENV_VAR=${ENV_VAR}
  • Recreate the relevant services:

    docker compose up -d --force-recreate <services>

Installing & updating dependencies

To install dependencies in a service or package, run:

pnpm -F <service> i <dependencies>

To install dependencies for the entire project (usually dev dependencies), the -F flag is not needed.

After dependency updates, rebuild the relevant services. If dependencies were installed in a package, rebuild all services that use it & the package builder.

docker builder prune -af
docker compose up -d --build <services>


No HMR/server not restarting when making changes

This is a common issue if you use Windows/WSL. Due to a WSL limitation, file system watching does not work when a file is edited by Windows applications (non-WSL2 process).

To fix it, you could either:

  • Recommended: Move the project folder outside of a Windows filesystem (into your WSL distro), and use WSL2 applications to edit your files. Accessing the Windows filesystem from WSL2 is slow, so doing this will improve performance.
  • Add CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING=true to your .env file. Note that this leads to high CPU utilization.