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FreeNAS Proxmox Next Generation

Kevin Scott Adams edited this page Sep 15, 2019 · 1 revision

As I try different things of making the ZFS over iSCSI more dynamic to allow for the FreeNAS LunCmd plugin I am always thinking "How do I make this a non-patch based add-in?".

Well under the located at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/Storage/ there is a mechanism for adding a "custom" storage plugin. This method was almost the same code that I was writing to patch in the

So I am thinking that I can basically take the and copy it to a file and make all the changes needed to be just for FreeNAS. The under the LunCmd directory would stay the same.

This would accomplish a package that is just FreeNAS based and "hopefully" not have and patches to the Proxmox VE system files.

More to come.

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