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A Neural Search Tool that helps you find relevant papers to read based on your interests


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ScholarSense: Build your Paper Recommendation System.


Table of contents

What is ScholarSense

ScholarSense is a tool that helps you find relevant papers to read based on your interests. It allows you to search for papers using a query. It uses a Language Model to embed the papers' information (title, abstract, etc.) into a vector space. Then, it indexes the papers' embeddings in a Vector database (In-memory or Qdrant).Finally, it uses the query to search for the most relevant papers in the database.

How to install

To run ScholarSense locally, you need to install the virtual environment as well as all the dependencies using poetry python package manager.

poetry install

To activate the virtual environment, you can run the following command:

poetry shell

To verify that the virtual environment is activated, you can import the package and print the version:

python -c "import scholarsense; print(scholarsense.__version__)"

How do to use it

  • After installing the package, you may need to create the structure of the folders. You can do that by running the following command:


    It creates the following structure:

    ├── artifacts
    │   ├── data
    │   │   ├── csv
    │   │   ├── json
    |   └── embeddings
  • Then, you need to create a config file. You can use the config.yaml file as a template. You can change the keywords to search for.

  • This tool can be used in two ways:

  • You can run the scripts directly from the command line. For example, to scrape papers from Arxiv, you can run the following command:

    python scripts/ --config ./config/config.yaml --output_path ./artifacts/data/json --max_results 1000000
  • You can also use the bash scripts in the bash folder. For example, to scrape papers from Arxiv, you can run the following command:


ScholarSense Streamlit App

The streamlit app is a web app that allows you to search for papers using a query. Inside the UI, you can enter a query in the text box and click on the "submit" button to get the results. You can also order the results by date. The results are displayed as an expandable list of papers. Each paper has a title, an abstract, and a link to the pdf file.



This repo proposes three backends to use with the streamlit app: ScholarSence-loggo

Simple Backend

This backend is the simplest one. It uses a csv file containing the papers' information and a pickle file containing the embeddings of the papers. The csv file contains the following columns:

  • title: the title of the paper.
  • abstract: the abstract of the paper.
  • pdf_url: the url of the pdf file.
  • id: the id of the paper.

The pickle file contains a numpy array of shape (N, D), where N is the number of papers and D is the dimension of the embeddings.

To use this backend, you should use the three commands scrape, embed, and streamlit. For more information about these commands, please refer to the CLI tool section.

In-memory Backend

This backend uses the json files containing the papers' information and index both the papers and the embeddings in an in-memory database. The index is saved as a .bin file. To use this backend, you should use the three commands scrape, index, and streamlit. For more information about these commands, please refer to the CLI tool section.

Qdrant Backend

This backend uses the json files containing the papers' information and index both the papers and the embeddings in a Qdrant database. To use this backend, you should use the three commands scrape, index, and streamlit. For more information about these commands, please refer to the CLI tool section.

To run the Qdrant server, you can run the following command:

docker-compose up -d

ScholarSense CLI tool

The simplest way to use ScholarSense is to use the CLI tool. You can run the following command to get the help message:

scholarsense --help

The CLI tool has foor commands:

  • scrape: to scrape papers from Arxiv
  • embed: to embed the papers using the Sentence Transformer model Or Open AI model
  • index: to embed and index the papers using the a Vector database (In-memory or Qdrant)
  • streamlit: to run the streamlit app and search for papers


To scrape papers from Arxiv, you can run the following command:

scholarsense scrape --help

The command takes the following arguments:

  • config: the path to the yaml config file, containing the keywords to search for.
  • output_path: the path to the output file, where the papers will be saved as json files.
  • max_results: the maximum number of papers to scrape for each keyword, default is 1000000.


This command is used to embed the papers using the Sentence Transformer model Or Open AI model. It then saves the embeddings in a pickle file. To embed the papers, you can run the following command:

scholarsense embed --help

The command takes the following arguments:

  • input_path: the path to the json file containing the papers.
  • output_path: the path to the output file, where the papers will be saved as pickle files.
  • csv_file_path: a path to a csv file, where the pepers's information will be saved.
  • model_type: the type of the model to use, either sentence-transformers or openai, default is sentence-transformers.
  • model_name: the name of the model to use of the chosen type, default is all-MiniLM-L6-v2.
  • encoding_method: type of encoding method to use {title, abstract, concat, etc.}, default is title.


This command is used to embed and index the papers using the a Vector database (In-memory or Qdrant). To embed and index the papers, you can run the following command:

scholarsense index --help

The command takes the following arguments:

  • db_path: the path to json files containing the papers.
  • model_type: the type of the model to use, either sentence-transformers or openai, default is sentence-transformers.
  • model_name: the name of the model to use of the chosen type, default is all-MiniLM-L6-v2.
  • encoding_method: type of encoding method to use {title, abstract, concat, etc.}, default is title.
  • indexing_method: the method to use to index the papers, either in-memory or qdrant, default is in-memory.
  • host: the host of the Qdrant server, default is None.
  • port: the port of the Qdrant server, default is None.
  • collection_name: the name of the collection to use in Qdrant, default is None.
  • index_file_path: the path to the index file saved as .bin file for in-memory indexing, default is None.


This command is used to run the streamlit app and search for papers. To run the streamlit app, you can run the following command:

scholarsense streamlit --help

The command takes the following arguments:

  • backend: the backend to use, either simple, in-memory or qdrant.
  • model_type: the type of the model to use, either sentence-transformers or openai.
  • model_name: the name of the model to use of the chosen type.
  • encoding_method: type of encoding method to use {title, abstract, concat, etc.}.
  • limit: the maximum number of papers to display.
  • collection_name: the name of the collection to use in Qdrant.
  • csv_file_path: a path to csv file containing the papers's information, useful if you're using simple backend.
  • embedding_file_path: the path to the pickle file containing the embeddings, useful if you're using simple backend.
  • index_file_path: the path to the index file saved as .bin file for in-memory indexing, useful if you're using in-memory backend.
