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A collection of interfaces, factories, wrapper, and helper classes for java.nio.



  • A random access buffer wrapping a byte[]. Combines the resize-ability of ByteArrayOutputStream, the indexed positioning of ByteBuffer, and the read/write utility methods of DataOutput. Also includes writeVarInt() and readVarInt() which read/write the minimum number of bytes needed for a given int, based on the protobuf variable int encoding format.

ByteBufferFactory, ByteBufferFactoryImpl

  • A factory interface and implementation for ByteBuffers

ByteBufferInterface, ByteBufferWrapper

  • An interface matching java.nio.ByteBuffer and a wrapper for a ByteBuffer which implements this interface

ByteBufferPool, Pool (generic version)

  • A manager for a set of ByteBuffers, which provides hasInstance(), getInstance(), and returnInstance() methods and internally maintains a list of buffers with a maximum number of allowed buffers.


  • A wrapper for a byte[] with an offset and a length with removeHead() and removeTail() methods.