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Guide for TasmoAdmin on Docker

Q-Storm edited this page May 19, 2024 · 20 revisions

A Docker image for TasmoAdmin. TasmoAdmin is an administrative Website for Devices flashed with Sonoff-Tasmota.

This image is based on Linux Alpine with Nginx and PHP 7 installed.


Install Docker Desktop.

Once installed and setup open your command prompt and run:

docker run -it -p 8000:80

This will download and start the the application which should be available at http://localhost:8000

You can mount a volume to ensure that data is persisted between restarts.

docker run -it -p 8080:80 -v C:/TasmoAdmin:/data

Make sure the directory you're mounting on the host exists before hand. in the example above this is C:/TasmoAdmin.


Install docker using your distributions preferred method.

Once installed and setup open your terminal and run:

docker run -it -p 8000:80

This will download and start the the application which should be available at http://localhost:8000

You can mount a volume to ensure that data is persisted between restarts.

docker run -it -p 8080:80 -v /path/to/data:/data

Where /path/to/data is the path where you want the data persisted. It must exist before starting.

You can also use SSL with a self signed certificate.

docker run -d -p 8443:443 -e SSL=true -v /path/to/data:/data

You can add your own certificate by replacing tasmoadmin.key and tasmoadmin.crt which are stored in /path/to/data/nginx/certs

Raspberry Pi

Portainer is OPTIONAL, if you dont want it, ignore the portainer lines.
Tested on: Rasbian(2018-06-27 stretch), Openhasbian(openhabianpi-raspbian-201804031720),

#install docker

curl -sSL | sh

#create dirs for Docker Volumes(data)
mkdir /home/pi/Docker/Portainer/data -p
mkdir /home/pi/Docker/TasmoAdmin/data -p

# Install Portainer
sudo docker run -d -p 9000:9000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /home/pi/Docker/Portainer/data:/data --name=Portainer --restart=always portainer/portainer

# Install tasmoadmin
sudo docker run -d -p 5555:80 -v /home/pi/Docker/TasmoAdmin/data:/data --name=TasmoAdmin --restart=always

# Install tasmoadmin BETA if you want
sudo docker run -d -p 5556:80 -v /home/pi/Docker/TasmoAdmin/data:/data --name=TasmoAdmin-BETA --restart=always

# Install tasmoadmin DEV if you want
sudo docker run -d -p 5557:80 -v /home/pi/Docker/TasmoAdmin/data:/data --name=TasmoAdmin-DEV --restart=always

# Check if containers r running
sudo docker ps

Supported Architectures

  • arm32v6 (i.e. Raspberry PI 1, 2, 3 and Zero)
  • amd64 (i.e. Synology DSM)

note: docker will detect which architecture you have and downloads the correct image for it.

Running TasmoAdmin

It's highly recommended to use the volume option to persist/store your TasmoAdmin config outside the container.


docker run -it -v <directory_host>:<directory_container> -p <host_port>:<container_port> --name <container_name>


docker run -it -v /host/data:/data -p 80:80 --name tasmoadmin

In the above example the url is http://<your_host_ip> which opens TasmoAdmin.

Example with autostart and automatically restart

sudo docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -v /home/hass/.homeassistant/docker:/data -p 8124:80 --name tasmoadmin

Above example starts the docker image on port 8124.The path has to be adapted to your installation


docker run                  - run this container... and build locally if necessary first.
      -it                   - atInstall TasmoAdmin on a Synology NAS running Docker

Docker UI (Synology):
Login to DSM
Go To Docker -> Registry
Add (will end in an error but the image will appear in the Synology Docker app later and it even recognizes the registry (

SSH login via putty to DSM
sudo -i
docker pull

Docker UI (Synology):
Login to DSM
Go to Docker -> image/launch
Advanced Settings
Enable auto-restart
set Local Ports (not automatic)
Volume -> persistent pathtach a terminal session so we can see what is going on.
      -v /host/data:/data   - /host/data is a host directory which is linked to the /data directory inside the container.
      -p 9999:80            - connect local port 9999 to the exposed internal port 80.
      --name tasmoadmin     - give this container a friendly local name.  - the image to base it on

Install TasmoAdmin on a Synology NAS running Docker

Install TasmoAdmin on a Synology NAS running Docker

  • Docker UI (Synology): Login to DSM Go To Docker -> Registry Add (will end in an error but the image will appear in the Synology Docker app later and it even recognizes the registry (

  • Terminal: SSH login to DSM sudo -i docker pull

  • Docker UI (Synology): Login to DSM Go to Docker -> image/launch Advanced Settings Enable auto-restart set Local Ports (not automatic) Volume -> persistent path