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Uses Django in Python and Postgresql (check official documentation for installation)


To create a space where both clergy and laity can find teaching resources which are faithful to the Anglican way of Christianity. Users will share a course, write a brief description and upload all files (multiple files will be zipped together?). Courses use tags for categories and are targeted to a certain age of learners (audience).

Registered users can upvote any course

Basic Structure

  • Authentication is handled by the standard User model.
  • Profile model is a proxy model extending the user via a 1-1 relationship
  • Courses model is the centerpiece. All data for a course is stored here:
    • tags is a ManytoMany relationship with Tag table
    • upvotes is ManytoMany relationship with Profile (users can only upvote a single course one time)

Style Inspiration

I am unashamed to admit that the style is largely borrowed from Canterbury tales needs to find its own color scheme. I want it to be consistent, simple, and easy to read - whatever is best to that end is good. Just happen to like the UI a lot.

Uses Bootstrap4 via the django-bootstrap4 plugin, and also material icons.



  • Chage the field Course.audience to be an Integer Range.

  • Style age range slider and add JS to display readable ages: [0: 0, 4: Pre-K, 5: Kindergarten.... 15-18: High School... Etc] e.g. a slider from 15-60 would have readable display "High School through Adults" or similar.

  • Complete styling for Course.index view (especially course list and filters) based on

  • Add AJAX calls to filter course list/just POST/reload?

  • Search URL pattern: /search/{ages}/{tags}/{search-phrase}(optional)

    • e.g. /serach/0-18/Confirmation&Bible&Jesus/video-illustrations
  • Add search bar and function to search course title, description and tags.

  • Extract the course list into its own template so that it can be used to also list all of a User's shared courses and upboted courses (to templates/courses/course_list.html)

  • Create AJAX call for new upovte (implemented as non-ajax)

  • Imitate the welcome banner of Canterbury tales is... Here's how it works...

  • Implement the age range slider for course creation.
  • Add appropriate div container and formatting.
  • Show files input and impletent file storage and zipping multiples(?)
  • Create good way for user to seamlessly create new tags while selecting.
  • Create detail view. Perhaps based on profile view? Don't have specific vision for how it looks.
  • Create function and add button with warning.


  • Finish styling detail page
  • Add related lists/tabs for courses submitted, & courses upvoted.
  • Make edit page (inline editing of profile page?) or reuse signup form.


  • Add forgot password function(?).
  • Add basic styling to login and registration forms.


  • use templates well
  • Add better style to header /template/base.html
  • Add slug fields to course and profile and reformat urls
  • Storage -- Use Google cloud storage if using proxy cloud db or deployed.


  • implement all permissions
    • logged out: all courses. Propmted to login/create account, upvote or download. - Show popup prompt to register.
    • logged in: View courses and profiles, but can upvote/download. Also can edit own profile and own courses (eventually can comment)
    • editor: Same as logged in, but can... um... ban users? Not sure.


  • general beautification

General Deploy Notes for Django (Deploying to Google Cloud)

  • Change USE_CLOUD_PROXY => True, start proxy server and run any migrations ( makemigrations + migrate)
  • Organize any new static files ( collectstatic)
  • Deploy to cloud (gcloud app deploy)