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Haskell bindings for the libgccjit library


Examples are located in the example/ directory. To compile an example, use:

$ cabal run TutorialXX

The available examples are:

  • Tutorial01 "Hello world" (origin)
  • Tutorial02 Creating a trivial machine code function (origin)
  • Tutorial03 Loops and variables (origin)
  • Tutorial04 Adding JIT-compilation to a toy interpreter (origin)
  • Tutorial05 Implementing an Ahead-of-Time compiler (origin)

Note All the examples are ported from the official libgccjit tutorials. All credits go to the Freesoftware Foundation, Inc.

The "Hello World" example:

{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}

{- Ported from -}

module Main (main) where

import qualified GccJit
import GccJit.Utils (release)

import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.C (CString, newCString)
import System.Exit
import System.IO

type GreetFunction = CString -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mkFun :: FunPtr GreetFunction -> GreetFunction

unwrapOrDie :: IO (Maybe a) -> String -> IO a
unwrapOrDie x msg = do
    x' <- x
    case x' of
        Nothing -> die msg
        Just x'' -> return x''

createCode :: Ptr GccJit.Context -> IO ()
createCode ctxt = do
        Let's try to inject the equivalent of:
        void greet (const char *name)
            printf ("hello %s\n", name);
    voidType <- GccJit.contextGetType ctxt GccJit.Void
    constCharPtrType <- GccJit.contextGetType ctxt GccJit.ConstCharPtr
    paramName <- GccJit.contextNewParam ctxt nullPtr constCharPtrType "format"
    func <- GccJit.contextNewFunction ctxt nullPtr GccJit.FunctionExported voidType "greet" [paramName] False

    paramFormat <- GccJit.contextNewParam ctxt nullPtr constCharPtrType "format"
    intType <- GccJit.contextGetType ctxt GccJit.Int
    printFunc <- GccJit.contextNewFunction ctxt nullPtr GccJit.FunctionImported intType "printf" [paramFormat] True

    formatArg <- GccJit.contextNewStringLiteral ctxt "Hello %s!\n"
    nameArg <- GccJit.paramAsRValue paramName

    block <- unwrapOrDie (GccJit.functionNewBlock func Nothing) "NULL block"
    printCall <- GccJit.contextNewCall ctxt nullPtr printFunc [formatArg, nameArg]

    GccJit.blockAddEval block nullPtr printCall
    GccJit.blockEndWithVoidReturn block nullPtr

main :: IO ()
main = do
    -- Get a "context" object for working with the library.
    ctxt <- unwrapOrDie GccJit.contextAcquire "NULL ctxt"
    -- Set some options on the context.
    -- Let's see the code being generated, in assembler form.
    GccJit.setBoolOption ctxt GccJit.DumpGeneratedCode True

    -- Populate the context.
    createCode ctxt

    -- Compile the code.
    result <- unwrapOrDie (GccJit.contextCompile ctxt) "NULL result"

    -- Extract the generated code from "result".
    greet <- unwrapOrDie (GccJit.resultGetCode result "greet") "NULL greet"
    -- Now call the generated function:
    worldStr <- newCString "World"
    mkFun greet worldStr
    hFlush stdout

    release ctxt
    release result

See examples/ for more example files.


libgccjit is part of the GCC project, which belongs to the Free Software Foundation, Inc. I take no credit of this software.

This code is licensed under the GNU General Public License V3. See LICENSE for more information.