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Convenience library for managing & querying music on iOS devices


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Convenience library for managing & querying music. Written in Swift.


  • Support music file from iTunes library or local file & folder.
  • Parse ID3 & iTunes format tag information, including -
    • artist name
    • album name
    • genre name
    • artwork image, aka. cover image
    • duration
    • title
    • track number
    • file url
  • Query library by name, artist, album & several other dimensions.
  • Persistence store using CoreData.



Holophonor use CoreData as persistence store and use RxSwift as databus.



A MediaItem stands for a media item as its name indicates.

A media item can be a song or a representative item which can represent for an album, an artist or a genre.

MediaItem will hold meta data of a song or represented media collection.

MediaItem works like MPMediaItem in iOS's MediaPlayer framework.


A MediaCollection is a collection of MediaItem.

A MediaCollection contains a representative item which contains meta data of this collection.

MediaCollection works like MPMediaItemCollection in iOS's MediaPlayer framework.

Representative Item

Representative item is an instance of MediaItem, which contains common meta data of a media collection.

Representative item works like MPMediaItemCollection.representativeItem in iOS's MediaPlayer framework.

Meta data

ID3 or iTunes format meta data in music file, which usually contains information like artist name, album name, genre name, track duration & etc.

Meta data can be accessed via MediaItem instance.

Complete fields of meta data is listed below.

  • albumTitle: Album's title.
  • artist: Album's artist.
  • fileURL: File's URL.
  • filePath: File's absolute path, only applied for local item.
  • genre: Genre name.
  • mediaType: Media item location - iTunes or local file.
  • trackNumber: Track number.
  • title: Title for this media item.
  • duration: Duration for this media item.
  • _itemArtwork: Artwork image for this item. Accessed via getArtworkWithSize
  • persistentID: Persistent id for this media item
  • albumPersistentID: Persistent id for album in database.
  • genrePersistentID: Persistent id for genre in database.
  • artistPersistentID: Persistent id for artist in database.
  • mpPersistentID: MediaPlayer persistent id, only applied for iTunes item.

Structures & Relationships


Holophonor is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "Holophonor"



Use Holophonor.instance to initialize Holophonor and get an instance.

During initialization, Holophonor will save its database file in -

  • Documents folder for debug build, you can dump the sqlite file via iTunes.
  • Library folder for non-debug build.

Local Directories

Holophonor will search music in local directories and automatically add Documents folder to its scan path during initialization.

To add or remove a local directory from scan path, use below functions before rescan the library.

addLocalDirectory(dir: String)
removeLocalDirectory(dir: String)

"dir" is the absolute path string of a directory. Also make sure you have access permission for directories you add.

Rescan Library

You need to perform a rescan action to full fill Holophonor's database.

A rescan action will drop Holophonor's database first and search for music files from iTunes and local directories.

Call rescan function to rescan library.

rescan(_ force: Bool = false, completion: @escaping () -> Void)

You can observe the rescan progress by subscribe the progress subject.

observeProgress() -> PublishSubject<Int64> 

Also you can get a notification when recan started.

observeRescan() -> PublishSubject<Bool>


Use query method like holophonor.get**By(**: ) to query media items.


Get all artist in library

let foo = self.holo.getAllArtists()
foo.forEach({ (each) in

Get all albums in library

let foo = self.holo.getAllAlbums()
foo.forEach({ (item) in

Get albums by artist

let albums = self.holo.getAlbumsBy(artist: "The Killers")
let foo = self.holo.getAllArtists()
let bar = self.holo.getAlbumsBy(artistId: foo.first?.artistPersistentID)

Get songs in album

let songs = self.holo.getAlbumsBy(artist: "Iron Maiden")?.first.items ?? []

Get meta data in song

let songs = self.holo.getAlbumsBy(artist: "Iron Maiden")?.first.items ?? []
songs.forEach({ (each) in
    print(each.getArtworkWithSize(size: CGSize(width: 200, height: 200)) ?? #imageLiteral(resourceName: "ic_album"))

To run the example project:

  • clone the repo
  • run bundle install && bundle exec pod install from the Example directory
  • open Holophonor.xcworkspace
  • hit the run button

APPs using this library

About the name

From Futurama Wiki

The Holophonor is a musical instrument of the 30th Century, it is best described as a combination of an Oboe and a Holographic Projector.


According to the commentary for Parasites Lost, the holophoner is based on the Visi-Sonor from Isaac Asimov's Foundation Trilogy published in 1951 to 1953. A similiar idea, the Sensory Syrinx, was created by Samuel R. Delany for his novel 'Nova' published in 1968.


sponegbobsun, [email protected]


Holophonor is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.