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Print3r is a command-line tool (without GUI) to print 3d parts (.gcode, .stl, .amf, .3mf, .obj, .off, .scad, .sscad, etc) to 3d printers, utilizing a slicer of your choice (Slic3r, Slic3r PE, PrusaSlicer, SuperSlicer, CuraEngine 3.x, CuraEngine 4.x, CuraEngine 5.x, Cura 15.04 and a few more).


print3r -p prusa-i3 print cube.scad
print3r -p ender3 -d /dev/ttyUSB1 print cube.stl
print3r preview cube.gcode

Main Features

  • print .scad, .stl* or .gcode to 3d printers
  • slice .scad or .stl* saving .gcode without printing
  • preprocess parts with --scale=<x>,<y>,<z>, --rotate=<x>,<y>,<z>, --translate=<x>,<y>,<z>, --random-placement, --auto-center, --multiply-part=<n>
  • use slicer-independent arguments like --temperature=<c>, --layer-height=<h>, --fill-density=<f>, --perimeters=<n>, etc.
  • send Gcode from command line arguments with gcode or console interactively with gconsole command
  • render Gcode and sliced .stl, .scad into .png image with render command
  • preview Gcode using yagv Gcode viewer with preview command
  • log lists all past finished prints with all settings used

*) .stl (ascii & binary), and preliminary .amf and .obj supported as well.



  • 0.3.20: new @revo-{yellow,red,blue,green,pink} macros, -o <output> added
  • 0.3.19: --device/-d --printer/-p --slicer/-s short-cuts added
  • 0.3.18: support CuraEngine-5.x / cura5 better
  • 0.3.17: adding locks for avoiding to print simulatenously to the same printer, better support for cura-slicer & CuraEngine 5.x
  • 0.3.16: --scad with --scad.= to pass variables to OpenSCAD models, experimental support for metatron- and enoch-slicer (--slicer=metatron or enoch)
  • 0.3.15: experimental support for voxgl-slicer (--slicer=voxgl)


  • 0.3.14: experimental support for lab-slicer and vox3l-slicer (--slicer=lab or vox3l)
  • 0.3.13: supporting webcams via webcam=<url>[ <url2>...] and webcam_snap=<settings>[ <setting2>...]
  • 0.3.12: more printer info in log-file, firmware and M501 output
  • 0.3.11: experimental support for zplus-slicer (--slicer=zplus)
  • 0.3.10: each successful(ended) logged print contains new or --uid=... uid (to track printed parts)
  • 0.3.9: 'log' lists all finished prints, incl. search with term or reference (see help)
  • 0.3.6: support for --post=<post1>[,<post2>...] and --post_<post1>=proc %i -o %o
  • 0.3.5: experimental support for --slicer=cura-slicer & 5dmaker
  • 0.3.4: --cols= and --rows= in case --multiply-part is used
  • 0.3.3: experimental support for --slicer=mandoline added
  • 0.3.2: experimental support for --slicer=slicer4rtn added


  • 0.3.0: better pipeline of processing div. formats, preliminary 3mf and 3mj (new format) support
  • 0.2.8: CuraEngine-4.2.0 support via --slicer=cura4, see wiki for install instructions
  • 0.2.6: cleaner script-layer within Gcode processing, slic3r-*: better multi-extruder support --toolmap & --toolremap
  • 0.2.5: preliminary --slicer=prusa support, additional inline functions support for gcode transformation: &toolcolor(n,a,b,c,d,e), &hsl2cmy(h,s,l), &phases(n=2|3,p=3|4)
  • 0.2.3: support for --prepend_gcode=... for start-gcode addition, and --layer-gcode=...
  • 0.2.2: support for skirts, brims and rafts, support and seam slicer-independent


  • 0.2.0: client command added, and --device=tcp:<remote-ip>[:<n>] added for remote printing capabilities
  • 0.1.8: proper cleanup of temporary files (incl. CTRL-C abort)
  • 0.1.7: more slicer-independent speed settings (print/travel/infill/perimeter/small_perimeter/bridge/retract_speed)
  • 0.1.6: restructure the file layout of settings (e.g. at /usr/share/print3r & ~/.config/print3r/)
  • 0.1.5: new option --scad=<code> to additionally execute openscad code
  • 0.1.4: various improvements, remap() of general settings to slice-specific settings via .../<slicer>/map.ini
  • 0.1.1: better support for --slicer=cura and cura-legacy
  • 0.1.0: --slicer=<slicer> with --printer=<profile> leads to ../<slicer>/<profile>, @<setting> leads to settings/macro/<setting>
  • 0.0.9: preliminary .amf and .obj native support for preprocessing (scale,rotate,translate,mirror)
  • 0.0.8: absolute scaling like --scale=0,0,30mm or --scale=50mm, and --scale=50% same as --scale=0.5, --auto-center to center print
  • 0.0.7: PRINT3R enviromental variable considered, 'baudrate=auto' probes baudrate.
  • 0.0.6: publically released source on github

To Do / Planned

  • slicer agnostic, e.g. support of CuraEngine (just the slicer): done since 0.1.6 with slic3r, slic3r-pe, cura-legacy and cura
  • network connectivity, distributed printing via tcp/ip: done since 0.2.0 with client command and --device=tcp:<remote-ip>[:<n>] (n=0 (default),1,2 etc)
  • preview gcode in OpenGL/WebGL zoomable views: done with 0.1.6 via external yagv viewer
  • multiple extruder support (preferably slicer-independent)


Primary focus in on Linux (Debian, Ubuntu) and alike platforms like FreeBSD and such.



The software is licensed under GPLv3


git clone
cd Print3r


make requirements
make install

Printer Configurations

See Profiles how to setup a dedicated printer profile.


Print3r (print3r) 0.3.20 USAGE: [<options>] <cmd> <file1> [<...>]

      --verbose or -v or -vv  increase verbosity
      --quiet or -q           no output except fatal errors
      --baudrate=<n>          set baudrate, default: 115200
         -b <n>
      --device=<d>            set device, default: /dev/ttyUSB0
         -d <device>
      --slicer=<slicer>       set slicer, default: slic3r
         -s <slicer>
                                 5dmaker, cura, cura-legacy, cura-slicer, cura4, cura5, curax, enoch, goslice, kirimoto, lab, mandol
ine, metatron, prusa, slic3r, slic3r-pe, slicer4rtn, super, vox3l, voxgl, zplus
      --printer=<name>        config of printer, default: default
         -p <name>
      --version               display version and exit
      --output=<file>         define output file for 'slice' and 'render' command
         -o <file>
      --scad                  consider all arguments as actual OpenSCAD code (not files)
      --scadlib=<files>       define OpenSCAD files separated by "," or ":"
                              by default 'use <file>', change with --scadimport=include
      --prepend-gcode=...     add manually start-gcode
      --layer-gcode=...       insert gcode at layer change
      --display_update=off    turn built-in display updates off
      --post_<stage>=...      define a post-processing stage (use '%i' input file, '%o' output file)
      --post=<stage>[,<stage>]  apply post-processing stage(s)
      part preprocessing:
         --random-placement   place print randomly on the bed
         --auto-center        place print in the center
         --multiply-part=<n>  multiply part(s)
            --rows=<n>           define rows for multiplied parts
            --cols=<n>           define cols for multiplied parts
         --scale=<x>,<y>,<z>     scale part x,y,z (absolute if 'mm' is appended)
         --scale=<f>             scale part f,f,f
         --rotate=<x>,<y>,<z>    rotate x,y,z
         --translate=<x>,<y>,<z> translate x,y,z
         --mirror=<x>,<y>,<z>    mirror x,y,z (0=keep, 1=mirror)
      --uid=<id>              define part unique id (default: auto generated uid)
      --<key>=<value>         include any valid slicer option (e.g. slic3r --help)

      print <file> [...]      print (convert & slice & print) part(s) (3mf, 3mj, 5mf, amf, brep, fcstd, iges, obj, off, step, stl)
      slice <file> [...]      slice file(s) to gcode (same formats as 'print')
      preview <file> [...]    slice & preview (same formats as 'print')
      render <file> [...]     render an image (use '--output=sample.png' or so)
      gcode <code1> [...]     send gcode lines
      gconsole                start gcode console
      client                  map USB connected printer to network (per device)
      log [<term>|<#num>]     list log of finished prints, use -v for details or --format=json to dump JSON
                                 use --output=<k>[,<k1>] to list particular keys
                                 if num is negative, the last entries are shown, e.g. '#-5'
     export PRINT3R "printer=my_printer" --OR-- setenv PRINT3R "printer=my_printer"
      print3r slice cube.stl
      print3r --layer-height=0.2 -o test.gcode slice cube.stl
      print3r -p ender3 -d /dev/ttyUSB1 print test.gcode
      print3r -p corexy -d /dev/ttyUSB2 --layer-height=0.3 --fill-density=0 print cube.stl
      print3r -p ender3 -d tcp: --layer-height=0.25 print cube.stl
      print3r print cube.scad
      print3r print parametric.scad --scad.A=20 --scad.B=30
      print3r --scad print "cube(20)"
      print3r --scad print "cube(a)" --scad.a=20
      print3r log
      print3r --output=uid,layer_height log cube
      print3r log -v '#12'
      print3r gcode 'G28 X Y' 'G1 X60' 'G28 Z'
      print3r gconsole
      == Print3r: Gcode Console (gconsole) - use CTRL-C or 'exit' or 'quit' to exit
         for valid Gcode see
         conf: device /dev/ttyUSB0, connected
      > M115

More Examples

print3r --fill-density=0 --layer-height=0.2 print cube.scad
print3r --print-center=100,100 print cube.scad
print3r --printer=ender3.ini --device=/dev/ttyUSB1 --random-placement --rotate=45,0,0 print cube.scad
print3r -p ender3.ini -d /dev/ttyUSB1 --random-placement --rotate=45,0,0 print cube.scad
print3r --multiply-part=3 --scale=50% print cube.scad

Scaling Parts

print3r --scale=2 print cube.scad
print3r --scale=1,4,0.5 print cube.scad
print3r --scale=30% print cube.scad
print3r --scale=50mm print cube.scad
print3r --scale=0,0,30mm print 3DBenchy.stl

Environment Variable PRINT3R

You can set any option into PRINT3R environment variable, "<key>=<value>", combined with ":", like:

export PRINT3R "printer=prusa-i3:temperature=190:..."
print3r print cube.scad

Render Example

Instead to actually print parts, you can also let them render into .png image as well (e.g. for documentation purposes or preview):

print3r --output=benchy.png render 3DBenchy.stl

See Also