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🌉 Zuul MQTT reporter -> Matrix chat bridge

GitHub Latest Release Go Report Card License

Relay MQTT reports from Zuul-CI to the Matrix chat.

Currently, Zuul-CI has the capability to distribute build reports to various supported platforms (refer to the supported drivers list). However, there is currently no built-in support for conveniently sending these build reports to the Matrix chat.

This project offers a straightforward solution for receiving build reports from Zuul's MQTT reporter and, using a predefined template, forwarding these messages to a Matrix chat room.

Currently, a single instance of "zuul-mqtt-matrix-bridge" has the capability to subscribe to multiple MQTT topics. However, it forwards all messages to just one Matrix room, resulting in an N:1 relationship between MQTT topics and Matrix rooms for each "zuul-mqtt-matrix-bridge" instance.



This section describes a method for integrating the zuul-mqtt-matrix-bridge project into your Zuul-CI infrastructure. It assumes that your Zuul infrastructure is running within Docker containers on the same Docker network. If your setup is different, you can still follow this guide, but make sure that your Zuul deployment can access the MQTT broker container.

MQTT Broker configuration

The MQTT broker serves as the backend system responsible for handling messages between the Zuul MQTT client, acting as a publisher, and the zuul-mqtt-matrix-bridge client, acting as a subscriber. The docker-compose file deploys the Eclipse Mosquitto server, an open-source message broker that utilizes the MQTT protocol.

You can explore a basic MQTT broker configuration file, mosquitto.conf, which ensures broker persistence and enforces client authentication via a password file. A password file is a straightforward method for storing usernames and their corresponding encrypted passwords in a single file. Additionally, an example password file is provided, already containing a user record for the username mqtt-user with the password secret. You are strongly advised to change these credentials.

If you need to modify or create an additional password file, please refer to this guide.

zuul-mqtt-matrix-bridge configuration

See the current list of supported configuration options along with their default values:

  -matrix-homeserver string
        Matrix homeserver (default "")
  -matrix-msg-template string
        Matrix template file (default "./templates/matrix_message.tmpl")
  -matrix-room-id string
        Matrix room ID
  -matrix-token string
        Matrix access token
  -mqtt-broker string
        The MQTT Broker (default "tcp://localhost:1883")
  -mqtt-pass string
        The MQTT password
  -mqtt-topic string
        The MQTT topic to subscribe (default "zuul/#")
  -mqtt-topic-qos int
        The MQTT topic to subscribe
  -mqtt-user string
        The MQTT user

All the configuration options mentioned above can be overridden by environment variables specified in the docker-compose file. You can refer to the .env file for the default values.


If you intend to connect the zuul-mqtt-matrix-bridge and MQTT broker containers to the pre-existing Zuul-CI Docker networks, ensure that you override the NETWORK_NAME and NETWORK_IS_EXTERNAL variables. Furthermore, remember to override the MATRIX_ROOM_ID and MATRIX_TOKEN variables to guarantee that Zuul reports reach the specific Matrix room of your choice.

  1. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Deploy zuul-mqtt-matrix-bridge and MQTT broker containers
cd ./zuul-mqtt-matrix-bridge/docker

NETWORK_NAME=<zuul-network-name> \
MATRIX_ROOM_ID=<token> \
MATRIX_TOKEN=<room-id> \
docker-compose up -d
  1. Adjust your existing Zuul-CI installation's configuration to establish connectivity with the MQTT broker container. Refer to the relevant Zuul configuration options for more details
$ cat zuul.conf 
[connection "mqtt"]
  1. Set up the pipeline to transmit MQTT reports using the connection named as mqtt. Refer to the relevant Zuul configuration options for more details.
- pipeline:
    name: check
        topic: "zuul/{pipeline}/{project}/{branch}/{change}" # By default, the zuul-mqtt-matrix-bridge subscribes to all topics that have names starting with `zuul` ("zuul/#")

Matrix messages

By default, Matrix messages are generated using the template file templates/matrix_message.tmpl. You have the flexibility to use a custom template file by specifying it with the optional argument -matrix-msg-template. You are free to utilize any variables defined in Zuul's MQTT reporter message schema, which can be found in the Zuul documentation as well as in this project.

Example messages

The following examples are generated using the default template file templates/matrix_message.tmpl.

ℹ️ Starting example jobs.

Pipeline: example pipeline
Project: example/project
Pull request: #PR
Triggered: 2000-10-20 09:00:40 +0200 CEST

✅ Build succeeded.

Pipeline: example pipeline
Project: example/project
Pull request: #PR
Triggered: 2000-10-20 09:00:40 +0200 CEST
Buildset: SUCCESS

  • example-job-1: SUCCESS
    • Start/End: 2000-10-20 09:02:40 +0000 UTC -> 2000-10-20 09:03:14 +0000 UTC
    • Analyze the related logs
  • example-job-2: SUCCESS
    • Start/End: 2000-10-20 09:02:40 +0000 UTC -> 2000-10-20 09:03:15 +0000 UTC
    • Analyze the related logs

⚠️ Build canceled (example pipeline).

Pipeline: example pipeline
Project: example/project
Pull request: #PR
Triggered: 2000-10-20 09:00:40 +0200 CEST

❌ Build failed (example pipeline).

Pipeline: example pipeline
Project: example/project
Pull request: #PR
Triggered: 2000-10-20 09:00:40 +0200 CEST
Buildset: FAILURE

  • example-job-1: SUCCESS
    • Start/End: 2000-10-20 09:02:40 +0000 UTC -> 2000-10-20 09:03:14 +0000 UTC
    • Analyze the related logs
  • example-job-2: FAILURE
    • Start/End: 2000-10-20 09:02:40 +0000 UTC -> 2000-10-20 09:03:15 +0000 UTC
    • Analyze the related logs

Local development

Refer to the relevant docs section.


  • Add unit tests
  • Add TLS support for "MQTT broker" <-> "zuul-mqtt-matrix-bridge" connection


A portion of bridge code is inspired by @dereisele's project tuple.