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Social Change Lab: Quarto Slides Template 📈


New Project

To install the extension in a new directory and create a template.qmd file, type in the Terminal:

quarto use template SocialChangeLab/scl-slides-template

Existing Project

Alternatively, you can also add the extension only to an existing project:

quarto add SocialChangeLab/scl-slides-template

Project-wide Installation

Make sure to add a _quarto.yml to the home directory to make the extension available to all .qmd files in children directories. The _quarto.yml should include:

  scl-revealjs: default


You can update your local installation of the extension with:

quarto update SocialChangeLab/scl-slides-template

See all installed extensions and their versions:

quarto list extensions


Here is the source code for the sample slides: template.qmd

See the rendered slides here: template.html