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Releases: Skulltrail192/One-Core-API-Binaries

Version 3.0.5

22 Jan 04:58
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One more time, thank you so much Murak, which found out the reasons for many apps failing. We have some news, now, Edge 116-121 working! Firefox support for 116-121 was introduced too! Introducing for modern Open/Save Dialog, what fixes several applications, including browsers. Introducing support for modern applications on wow64, 32 bits appliations on XP/2003 x64. Now, you can use the latest chrome/firefox/edge/opera/custom chromium 32 bits on XP x64. Optimized performance on Server 2003 x86, half on XP x86 and on wow64 on XP x64.

What's new:

  • Introducing support for modern applications 32 bits on Wow64 in Windows XP/2003 x64. Now, we can Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Spotify, Visual Code, Opera of latest versions;
  • Optimized memory usage with chromium applications on Server 2003 x86 and Wow64 on XP/2003 x64. XP x86 has a HALF optimization: due kernel memory management issue, you need a trick:
    • Start chromium application (chrome, edge, opera, visual code, etc) first time then close;
    • Start a second time, and getting a smoth memory usage.
    • Memory usage will always be like this: once high, next time low, next time high, next time low. The reason is under investigation;
  • Introducing of almost IFileDialog implementation on XP/2003. The IFileDialog was introduced on Vista, to replace older APIs, GetSaveFileName and GetOpenfilename, used to choose where and put a name of file to open/save. Several applications require that implatation, like: Visual Studio Code, Palemoon, Modern chrome, Edge, Opera and all Chromium based browsers, Windows 7 Wordpad, Vista Movie Maker, Modern Notepad++, and others;
  • Introducing support for Edge 116 - 122;
  • Introducing support for Firefox 117-121;
  • Introducing HALF support for latest Spotify, even Windows 10 version. However, some notes: you will get a error by Error reporting: just ignore. The Windows 10 version force try open login on browser, but seem not working. So, i recommend install Windows 7 version first, login and so, upgrade (if you want). And finally, Windows 7 version seem not loading some info in dashboard. Like Steam, you MUST need copy esent.dll from Windows Vista/7;
  • Introducing half support for Steam. Fixing "Failed To Load steamui.dll". The application now start, you need do somethings; replace esent.dll from Windows 7 and add "-cef-disable-sandbox" to steam shortcut. However, you cannot login for now. Under investigation;
  • Basilisk, Palemoon for Windows 7 or for XP now working fine again;
  • Issue of click on a service on Services.msc, you get a message with error before the dialog open fixed;
  • Clean Flash Player seem working on all platform and windows version supported;
  • Issues during navigation on google maps and other sites seem fixed on chromium browsers;
  • Added AmdPPM driver;
  • Adding multilanguage support for dxdiag;
  • Fixed NotepadEx on Open/Save action;
  • Windows XP kernel was updated with Server 2003 Syscalls and some functions.
  • Disabled new HD audio from Vista to prevent no sound
  • LibreOffice 6.0+ now working fully and fine. However, starting version 7.6 (not tested between 7.0 and 7.6), need native dwrite;

Known issues:

  • Gimp 2.8+ installer not working. Get "Out of memory" error;
  • Discovered the reason of Chromium and based browsers memory leak: Seem dlls with no base address. Under in investigation;
  • Chrome 110+ x64 use reserve a excessively reserves memory, since Windows 8.1's memory management was modified and as it is an application that only supports Windows 10+, it started using this management. So, you may face astronomical memory usage. The solution is to use the 32-bit version. It's under investigation;
  • Chromium 49 and maybe below sandbox not working. Under in investigation;
  • Driver Update package has a updated HD audio and maybe cause not audio device;
  • Some applications what require Administrator rights prompt "Run as" dialog and cannot be installed, stuck the installation;
  • Gimp 2.10-2.99 installer get a extraction error on server 2003;
  • Black Box game repack installers get a error during installation;
  • If you try uninstall Base Package before Driver update or Additional Dlls, you may get a BSOD;
  • Base Installer frozen install if you uninstall and install again. The workaround is terminate the SCHTASKS process on task manager;
  • Speccy installer has wrong behavior on Windows XP and not install right. And both Windows XP, Server 2003 and XP x64 not work when load, generating a error;
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 installer has glitches on texts and messages;
  • 3.5.11 generate an unhandled error at startup on Windows XP/Server 2003;
  • Java 1.8.191 not install on XP SP3 and Server 2003 x86;

Version 3.0.4

06 Dec 14:56
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One more time, thank you so much Murak, which found out the reasons for many apps failing. Now chromium/chrome version up 122 is working, Edge up version 115, Opera latest and other chromium based browsers, with downloads working fine! Firefox support increased up version 116! Visual Studio code and Skype now create shortcut without "Interface not supported" at compatbility mode. See all new features.

What's new:

  • Fully Chrome and Chromium 122 browser. Now, we have latest chrome support, like Windows 10;
  • Microsoft Edge support increased up to version 115;
  • Opera support increased up to version 105;
  • Support latest for Vivaldi, Brave and others chromium based browsers;
  • Firefox support increased up to version 116 and sandbox is disabled by default with builtin a user variable. Don't need add User environment variables (only if get a better support), But, follow env varable are avaliable to improve support:
  • Thunderbird support increased to 115;
  • Reversed Dwrite to wine because Vista/Windows 7 Plataform Update Dwrite not work with latest chrome version;
  • Partial support for Office 2013 installation. Keep failing at end, but, now, try install. Some componentes, like Word, work better with usp10 update;
  • Added some functions to OneDriver, however, keep not working;
  • Fixing office 2007/2010 fail installation on Server 2003 x86/x64;
  • Completely rewrite of SRW and ConditionVariable API using XPExpert ( for SRW and YY-Thunks( for ConditionVariable. Thanks for both. It's seem fix Firefox download for every version after 54, fix Edge 115 and several other things; Now, wine tests for sync has only 1 failure, before 11 or more. It's maybe fix several other applications;
  • Completely rewrite of D3DKMTCREATEDCFROMMEMORY. Native Directx 11 runtime up to Windows 8 now work with restrictions on XP/2003. It's use a software warp device, good for simple/medium tasks, but very slower to gaming. A native package will be relased on One-Core-API-Extras ;
  • Chromium and based applications now descreased several megabytes on Server 2003 by default and on XP/XP x64 at compatbility mode. In invesgation the behavior on XP/XP x64;
  • Server 2003/XP x64 Activation now seem fixed. Please test again;
  • Maybe BSOD on Core 2 Duo platform with XP could fixed by inclusing of intelppm from XP SP2. Need test;
  • Firefox download seem work fine now. Youtube seem work fine on real hardware if use Directx native. Palemon download work, with some restrictions, maybe need choose place to download, and new open/save under in impletation;
  • Visual Studio Code, Skype and other application what need run in compatbility mode now create shortcut without problem. Before got a erro: "Interface not supported".However, if you use NNN4NT5 for Compatibility with Vista+, explorer will got some errors with quick launch:
    On Server 2003/XP x64, it's increase to much the quick launch width. Need unlock taskbar and resize manually;
    On XP, always get quick launch disabled on reboot;
  • Added PowerWriteSettingsAttributes for powrprof.dll to get LeagueDisplay working (untested);
  • Legacy Update seem work, tested 1.9;
  • Opera 39~60 installer now create shortcut and open opera at end;

Known issues:

  • Discovered the reason of Chromium and based browsers memory leak: Seem dlls with no base address. Under in investigation;
  • Chromium 49 and maybe below sandbox not working. Under in investigation;
  • Driver Update package has a updated HD audio and maybe cause not audio device;
  • Some applications what require Administrator rights prompt "Run as" dialog and cannot be installed, stuck the installation;
  • Gimp 2.10-2.99 installer get a extraction error on server 2003;
  • Black Box game repack installers get a error during installation;
  • If you click on a service on Services.msc, you get a message with error before the dialog open;
  • If you try uninstall Base Package before Driver update or Additional Dlls, you may get a BSOD;
  • Base Installer frozen install if you uninstall and install again. The workaround is terminate the SCHTASKS process on task manager;
  • Speccy installer has wrong behavior on Windows XP and not install right. And both Windows XP, Server 2003 and XP x64 not work when load, generating a error;
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 installer has glitches on texts and messages;
  • 3.5.11 generate an unhandled error at startup on Windows XP/Server 2003;
  • Java 1.8.191 not install on XP SP3 and Server 2003 x86;

Version 3.0.3

07 Nov 05:16
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One more time, thank you so much Murak, which found out the reasons for many apps failing. Now firefox 55-80 work partially, with some bugs, but, start and can access several sites; Edge, chrome, Opera and all chromium's based browser now is much more stable and get extension works! Now, two remains issues: downloads and open/save dialogs not working. Fixed Visual studio with GetQueuedCompletionEx fixed by ntext and kernelbase improvement and now chromium and based brwosers now has downloads working (except opera).

What's new:

  • Fully work of downloads on Chrome and Chromium Based (Edge, Brave, etc) browsers. Opera has other issue: it's call save dialog, what is not really implemented ;
  • Moved Modern Setup Package to another project, One-Core-API Extra, due causing confusion what this only must used to prepare Windows to be capture and generalized to anothers computers;
  • Now Firefox 55 - 80~ starting and can access several sites. However, youtube stuck at loading, downloads not working, and 55-59 must need set Windows 7 compatibility to access any site. For 73-80, you MUST need set user/system environment variable MOZ_FORCE_DISABLE_E10S with value 1. Open/Save Dialogs not working too;
  • All browsers based on Chromium seem starting and much more stable. It's include Edge, Supermium for Windows Vista with extended Kernel and Windows 7, Thorium, Cent, Yandex, Brave, AVG browser, etc. All extension can be installed now;
    Added Discord, Thorium and Visual Code to no-sandbox whitelist;
  • Chrome now no longer stores user data in %TEMP%, instead, store on ApplicationData, equivalent of LocalAppData;
  • Fixed Maxthon 6 with httpnew;
  • Visual Studio Code now can be started, running until version 1.81. Has some issues: Open/Save Dialogs not working, so, you cannot open project;
  • Windows 7's wordpad now open and has some issues: it's require the IFileDialog of Windows Vista, so open/fsave file dialog not working really. And font list selection not working.
  • API-Set was merged into Base Installer to support Windows 7 dlls, like sspicli.dll, what was repleaced (from wine to native Windows 7). It's fix Microsoft Essentials Security;
  • Variable %LocalAppData% missing after some time now is fixed;
  • LibreOffice 7.6 now almost working. Write and Base can be used;
  • Updated dwrite with native Vista's dwrite, with fixed issue with Chrome 109 and based browsers. It's fix Opera 39-50 startup;
  • Added NNN4NT5 by BlackCat to set Windows version. It's allow to install or run program as other windows tests. Helpful for XP x64, by example;
  • Language support for almost Windows parts for: Portuguese-Brazil (my language), Portuguese (Portugual), Turkish, Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), French, Italian, Hungarian, Ukranian (partially), Spanish, Polish, Russian and Korean;
  • Fixed Basilisk 2018 startup at Windows XP x86. Now work fine;

Known issues:

  • Seem not fixed BSOD on startup WIndows XP x64 with USB Wifi Adapter;
  • If you try uninstall Base Package before Driver update or Additional Dlls, you may get a BSOD;
  • Base Installer frozen install if you uninstall and install again. The workaround is terminate the SCHTASKS process on task manager;
  • Speccy installer has wrong behavior on Windows XP and not install right. And both Windows XP, Server 2003 and XP x64 not work when load, generating a error;
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 installer has glitches on texts and messages;
  • 3.5.11 generate an unhandled error at startup on Windows XP/Server 2003;
  • Palemoon 31 not downloading anything;
  • Java 1.8.191 not install on XP SP3 and Server 2003 x86;

Version 3.0.2

09 Oct 00:49
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OCA has a new tester, Murak, which found out the reasons for many apps failing. Thank so much for my friend Murak, through his discoveries, many of them related to chrome, in special, repleacing ncrypt.dll and turn Windows XP/2003 able to run chrome 103-109. Dwrite issue with GetFontRealizationInfo was discovered by my friend Murak. He make too a version of GetThreadGroupAffnity and others functions, whats solve cpu-z, aida64 benchmark and others and others applications. Special acknowledgment for my friend Svyatpro, from betaarchive, for signal the issue with SetThreadGroupAffinity and relation with Aida64 Benchmakr, what was fixed thanks to Murak. This release is bigger than usual and the next few releases will be bigger too.

What's new:

  • Now, chrome versions 103-109 work on XP/2003, even with Windows 7 Compatbility mode setted. It is important for future upgrade Windows version; It was achieved thanks to the replacement of ncrypt and bcrypt on x64, from Vista 5308 and ncrypt on x86, using wine's version;
  • Now, Opera 39-95 working fine on XP/2003. Only minor issues related with download and extensios, as any chromium based browser;
  • All browsers based on Chromium seem starting and several of that working fine. It's include Supermium for Windows Vista with extended Kernel and Windows 7, Thorium, Cent, Yandex, Brave, AVG browser, etc;
  • Fix Process explorer and several other applicatios issues with TaskDialog, what some programs don't have actions for some buttons.
  • Updating wined3d to 8.1x;
  • Solve partially issue related with missing icon on notification balloons. Now show icon, however, has a bug with wrong icon when the ballon is the second notification;
  • Add mscms.dll from vista RTM to prevent errors with gimp 2.x.
  • Solving issue with Microsoft Office 2007 Portable Russian.
  • Trying solve dwrite problem using GetFontRealizationInfo adop GdiRealizationInfo.
  • Fixing Cpu-z, aida64 and partially speccy by GetThreadGroupAffnity from Murak.
  • Now, Microsoft Edge 109 start without Visual Studio 2005. However, is unstable, generate error some time later;
  • Added MS Edge, Revolt to no-sandbox whitelist;
  • Chrome now no longer stores user data in %TEMP%, instead, store on ApplicationData, equivalent of LocalAppData;
  • DirectWrite now working better;

Known issues:

  • Seem not fixed BSOD on startup WIndows XP x64 with USB Wifi Adapter;
  • Base Installer frozen install if you uninstall and install again. The workaround is terminate the SCHTASKS process on task manager;
  • Downloads issues up to Chromium 74. 75+ keep not working;
  • Speccy installer has wrong behavior on Windows XP and not install right. And both Windows XP, Server 2003 and XP x64 not work when load, generating a error;
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 installer has glitches on texts and messages;
  • 3.5.11 generate an unhandled error at startup on Windows XP/Server 2003;
  • Visual Code is broken because GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx was enabled again, to fix java 17;
  • WMP11 installation on last page say setup fail, however, Windows Media Player was installed and wokrs. It's occours because WMP 11 installation try install a hotfix to update Applcation compatbility database, however, One-Core-API use a custom database. Just ignore last page and run WMP by icon;
  • Basilisk released on 2018 crash on Windows XP SP3. The workaround is delete ucrtbase.dll from basilisk installation folder;
  • Palemoon 31 not downloading anything;
  • Java 1.8.191 not install on XP SP3 and Server 2003 x86;

Version 3.0.1

08 Sep 17:36
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What's new:

  • Seem fixed BSOD on startup WIndows XP x64 with USB Wifi Adapter;
  • Introduced HD audio driver from Vista 5270/5342 for XP, Server 2003 and Windows XP x64;
  • Seem fixed Random BSOD on Server 2003 and Windows XP x64 after some time;
  • Fixed change timezone or time of system on Server 2003, XP x64 and XP x86;
  • Fixed BSOD when change resolution while run Microsoft Windows 7 inbox game (chess, purble place, shanguai, solitaire Freecell, etc);
  • Fixed empty wi-fi list on Windows XP, bug introduced on version 3.0;
  • Fixed 3.5.11 notice a unhanlded error on startup on Windows XP x64;
  • Introduced partial support for Command Button for Comctl32 on XP/2003. That's fixes Python 3.6 installer with missing buttons;
  • Fixed issue with "CryptExtOpenCER is missing", because existing a mistake with cryptext dll. This dll exists on XP/2003, so, the wrapper needed be renamed;
  • Preparation of Setupapi_wrapper to support future Windows Vista setupapi as setupapibase.dll
  • Fixed .Net Framework 2.0+ installation on Windows XP/Server x64 and now all .net x64 exe works;
  • Fixed .Net Framework on XP/Server 2003 x86/x64 installed on any drive. However, for install .net 4.5+, you MUST INSTALL .net 4.0 before.
  • Seem fixed LegacyUpdate;
  • Fixed installation of Utorrent and Reshacker on Server 2003 and Windows XP x64, because these systems doesn't have winhttp.dll on System32, only on Winsxs;

Known issues:

  • Speccy installer has wrong behavior on Windows XP and not install right. And both Windows XP, Server 2003 and XP x64 not work when load, generating a error;
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 installer has glitches on texts and messages;
  • 3.5.11 generate an unhandled error at startup on Windows XP/Server 2003;
  • Visual Code work partially because GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx was enabled again, to fix java 17;
  • Opera from version 39 or above keep not working;
  • WMP11 installation on last page say setup fail, however, Windows Media Player was installed and wokrs. It's occours because WMP 11 installation try install a hotfix to update Applcation compatbility database, however, One-Core-API use a custom database. Just ignore last page and run WMP by icon;
  • Basilisk released on 2018 crash on Windows XP SP3;
  • Palemoon 31 not downloading anything;
  • Java 1.8.191 not install on XP SP3 and Server 2003 x86;

Version 3.0.0

04 Aug 18:36
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What's new:

  • Introducing Modern Setup Installer. This is responsable to prepare Windows XP/2003 and Longhorn installation to be capture and installed using Windows Modern Setup (introduced by Windows Vista). You can use gimagex to capture Windows installation, however, you must patch Windows Setup to install capture Windows XP/2003 intallation. For it, you can use One-Core-API Tools, what have a Deployment kit. You can see on: It's contains instructions to capture, patch and build a installable iso;
  • Update WineD3d to 8.0;
  • Some improvements on wrappers;
  • Some restructuring of project;
  • Preparation for bring Longhorn, Vista, Win7 and Win8-8.1 support;
  • Fixed missing buttons on utorrent and others installers on Server 2003 and XP x64:
  • Partial support for GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx;
  • Added schedule for run certupdate 1.6 what run each month updating root certificates;
  • Bring updated acpi driver what support ACPI 2.0, new drivers like Storachi (for AHCI driver controllers), NVME (for NVME M.2 driver controllers) and USBXHCI (USB 3.0)

Known issues:

  • BSOD on startup WIndows XP x64 with USB Wifi Adapter;
  • Ramdomy BSOD on Server 2003 x86 and XP x64/Server 2003 x64 after some time;
  • 3.5.11 notice a unhanlded error on startup;
  • Visual Code work partially because GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx was enabled again, to fix java 17;
  • Opera from version 39 or above keep not working;
  • WMP11 installation on last page say setup fail, however, Windows Media Player was installed and wokrs. It's occours because WMP 11 installation try install a hotfix to update Applcation compatbility database, however, One-Core-API use a custom database. Just ignore last page and run WMP by icon;
  • Basilisk released on 2018 crash on Windows XP SP3;
  • Palemoon 31 not downloading anything;
  • Java 1.8.191 not install on XP SP3 and Server 2003 x86;

Version 2.10.0

05 Oct 20:58
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What is new:

  • Visutal Studio 2008 (maybe 2005) now install almost correctly;
  • Base Installer now install hal correctly for each system (fix not boot up on virtual box)
  • Fixed Mouse pointer not moving (mouse not working) on Virtual Box;
  • Help and support center startup more twice times fixed on Windows XP;
  • Storport driver replaced with ntoskrnl_emu based version;
  • Nvme driver replaced by ntoskrnl_emu based version;
  • Added missing crypt32 functions to LibreOffice 7 (however, it's keep crashing)
  • Fixed WIndowBlinds 6, what was requiring administrator privileges to run when one-core-api is installed;
  • Fixed a graphical glitche on Server 2003 and XP x64 introduced on version 2.9 and what cause explorer restart when try move a item (folder or others)
  • Java 17 is now supported;
  • Updated bcrypt and mmdevpai.dll;
  • WindowBlinds6 RunAs dialog fixed;
  • Avast Premium require Administrator privileges fixed;
  • Updated wined3d version to 7.17.

Known issues:

  • BSOD on startup WIndows XP x64 with USB Wifi Adapter;
  • 3.5.11 notice a unhanlded error on startup;
  • Visual Code work partially because GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx was enabled again, to fix java 17;
  • Utorrent installer not render buttons to advance;
  • Opera from version 39 or above keep not working;
  • WMP11 installation on last page say setup fail, however, Windows Media Player was installed and wokrs. It's occours because WMP 11 installation try install a hotfix to update Applcation compatbility database, however, One-Core-API use a custom database. Just ignore last page and run WMP by icon;
    - Basilisk released on 2018 crash on Windows XP SP3;
    - Palemoon 31 not downloading anything;
    - Java 1.8.191 not install on XP SP3 and Server 2003 x86;

Version 2.9.0

02 Sep 12:18
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What is new:

  • Fixed ntoskrnl_emu BSOD (0xDEADBEEF). We can use USB XHCI, Storahci ported from others systems, like Windows 7 and Windows 8;
  • Fixed startup to storahci and replaced driver;
  • Fixed 360Chrome chinese browser (kernel32 with --no-sandbox option added)
  • Fixed Windows XP x64 (maybe server 2003 x86 too) activation;
  • Repleaced ACPI driver to prevent BSOD;

Known issues:

  • BSOD on startup WIndows XP x64 with USB Wifi Adapter;
  • 3.5.11 notice a unhanlded error on startup;
  • Applications whats require GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx will fail, because the function was removed because generate issues with other applications, like Visual Code now not open. Maybe it is related GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx implementation, need improvement;
  • Utorrent installer not render buttons to advance;
  • Opera from version 39 or above keep not working;
  • WMP11 installation on last page say setup fail, however, Windows Media Player was installed and wokrs. It's occours because WMP 11 installation try install a hotfix to update Applcation compatbility database, however, One-Core-API use a custom database. Just ignore last page and run WMP by icon;
  • Basilisk released on 2018 crash on Windows XP SP3;
  • Palemoon 31 not downloading anything;
  • Java 1.8.191 not install on XP SP3 and Server 2003 x86;
  • WindowBlinds6 show RunAs dialog;
  • Avast Premium require Administrator privileges;


05 Aug 05:59
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What is new:

  • Fix BSOD on XP SP3 or Server 2003 SP2 with storport based driver, like storahci already installed;

This is only a hotfix

Version 2.8.0

02 Aug 15:20
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What is new:

  • Fix Crash when press key on address bar on Palemon and Basilisk browsers when Language bar is enabled on Windows XP;
  • PowerShell ISE fixed on Windows XP too;
  • Added support for GPT drivers on Windows XP, by adding drivers: partmgr and disk, from Server 2003;
  • Added StorAhci driver for AHCI Protocol support;
  • Added Nvme driver for NVME Protocol support;
  • Added WinUSB 2.0;
  • Added Comdlg32 wrapper to support IFileDialog interface required by new applications;
  • Switched dbghelp.dll x64 because dbgeng require new version;
  • Correct implementation of new flags for LoadLibraryEx, needed to AddDllDirectory, RemoveDllDirectory and SetDefaultDllDirectories functions, and enable these functions (now Avast install and works with these functions enabled;
  • Added CertUpdate on Release Package, for Remoke and Update Root Certificates (browser require it)
  • Reenable some Longhorn Advapi32 functions;

Known issues:

  • BSOD on startup WIndows XP x64 with USB Wifi Adapter;
  • Ntoskrnl_emu and all drivers what use it are for now incompatible with One-Core-API. It's generate 0xDEADBEEF bsod on startup;
  • 3.5.11 notice a unhanlded error on startup;
  • Applications whats require GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx will fail, because the function was removed because generate issues with other applications, like Visual Code now not open. Maybe it is related GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx implementation, need improvement;
  • Utorrent installer not render buttons to advance;
  • Opera from version 39 or above keep not working;
  • WMP11 installation on last page say setup fail, however, Windows Media Player was installed and wokrs. It's occours because WMP 11 installation try install a hotfix to update Applcation compatbility database, however, One-Core-API use a custom database. Just ignore last page and run WMP by icon;
  • Basilisk released on 2018 crash on Windows XP SP3;
  • Palemoon 31 not downloading anything;
  • Java 1.8.191 not install on XP SP3 and Server 2003 x86;
  • WindowBlinds6 show RunAs dialog;
  • Avast Premium require Administrator privileges;