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Arogya Shree Chatbot 🌟

Welcome to the Arogya Shree Chatbot—a revolutionary innovation aimed at transforming healthcare accessibility! 🌈🏥

Imagine a world where patients can effortlessly connect with our chatbot by simply uploading their medical reports in any format—whether it's PDFs, images, or audio files! 📑📷🎤

Key Features 🚀

Our chatbot is not just an ordinary interface; it's a game-changer in healthcare communication. Here's why:

  • Multi-format Support: Upload medical reports in PDFs, images, or audio files.
  • Voice Interaction: Communicate with the chatbot using voice commands, ensuring inclusivity for all, including those with limited literacy. 🗣️💬
  • Multi-lingual Support: Access the chatbot in various languages, breaking down language barriers. 🌍🎙️
  • Deployment Mission: Deploying this cutting-edge technology in Primary Health Centers across different states in India to promote healthcare understanding and informed decision-making. 💡🌐

How It Works 🤖

The Arogya Shree Chatbot leverages advanced AI models to analyze medical reports and provide relevant insights. By integrating voice commands and multi-format support, we aim to make healthcare accessible to everyone, one interaction at a time! ✨

Here are the steps to run the Arogya Shree Chatbot :

  1. Download the ZIP file: Download the source code of the Arogya Shree Chatbot from the repository or the provided link. 📥

  2. Unzip the file: Extract the downloaded ZIP file to a directory of your choice. 🗂️

  3. Create a .env file: Inside the project directory, create a .env file. This file will contain your Google API credentials or any other necessary environment variables. 📁

  4. Install the required dependencies: Open a terminal or command prompt, navigate to the project directory, and run the following command to install the required Python packages:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

    This will install all the necessary dependencies, including the libraries and frameworks used in the project. 💻

  5. Run the Streamlit application: After the dependencies are installed, run the following command to start the Streamlit application:

    streamlit run

    This will launch the Arogya Shree Chatbot in your default web browser. 🚀

Now, you're all set to use the Arogya Shree Chatbot! 🎉 The chatbot should be accessible in your web browser, and you can start interacting with it by uploading medical reports in various formats, using voice commands, and accessing the chatbot in multiple languages. 🌐

Remember, you'll need to configure the Google API credentials or any other necessary environment variables in the .env file for the chatbot to function correctly. Please refer to the project's documentation or reach out to the team for more information on the specific setup requirements. 🤝

Get Involved! 🤝

Join us in our mission to make healthcare accessible to all, regardless of background or literacy level. Let's work together to revolutionize healthcare communication and understanding. 🌈

For inquiries or to get involved, please contact our team.