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Highly Available Django Application deployed using AWS Elastic Beanstalk, EC2, RDS, S3 Bucket and Route53


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Highly Available Django Application implemented using Blue/Green deployment on AWS Elastic Beanstalk resulting in a seamless deployment process and enabling cloud enthusiasts to share and access learning resources.

Technology: AWS, Django, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, PostgreSQL

Major AWS Services used :-

  • RDS
  • S3
  • ROUTE53

Step-1: Create an AWS database instance of postgreSql database ( Compulsory in both )

    -Login to AWS console and head toward for RDS Service
    -Launch an Postgresql Database instance and note down the username,master username and password of the instance ( it will be shown one time only so make sure to note them down very carefully)
    -Wait for the database instance to be in running state ( Takes approximately 10 min)
    -After Launched, click on the instance and it will show the details of your database
    -Open Django project's file, there you will see a section "DATABASE" IN LINE 85 
          >>> Change name to the username to saved earlier
          >>> Change Username to master username
          >>> Change Password to new Password
          >>> Change Host to new host which is shown exactly on aws console database instance page

Step-2: (Follow only if you are working with BuddyDome with s3 only otherwise ignore this step) Setting up S3 bucket

Create an s3 bucket ( with unchecking the box of " Block all public access" )
Change the bucket policy as follows
//S3 Policy//

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "AddPerm",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Action": "s3:GetObject",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::s3-bucket/*"

Create an IAM user

        >>>In AWS Look for IAM service 
        >>>Create an IAM user with S3 Policy
        >>>Generate Access key and secret key and note them down

Go to your Django project and first install two libraries using following command

         pip install boto3 django-storages

Add Following in file

          import boto3
          from storages.backends.s3boto3 import S3Boto3Storage

          INSTALLED_APPS = [ 

          //Write Corresponding Values//
          AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID =

          AWS_QUERYSTRING_AUTH = False

          # Set the static files storage backend to S3
          STATICFILES_STORAGE = "storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage"

          # Set the URL for static files
          STATIC_URL = f"https://{AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME}"

          AWS_LOCATION = 'media'

          DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage'

          # Set the URL for media files

          STATIC_ROOT = ""
          MEDIA_ROOT = ""

Some Changes in all file

          from Buddy import settings
          from django.conf.urls.static import static

//In URL_patterns ending Square bracket Add below code as it is//

           +static(settings.STATIC_URL, document_root=settings.STATIC_ROOT)+ static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)

Step-3: Deployment Using AWS Elastic Beanstalk( Compulsory in Both)

Install Elastic Beanstalk CLI using following:-

     pip install awsebcli

Create a Config file to speicify settings file and .conf file to specify upload limit for your elasticbeasntalk environment in following format

    |-- .ebextensions
    |   `-- django.config
    |-- .platform
    |   --nginx
    |        --conf.d
    |                `--proxy.conf

Write the following in django.config file

        command: "source $PYTHONPATH/activate && python collectstatic --noinput"
        WSGIPath: Buddy.wsgi:application
        static: "static"

Write the Following in proxy.conf

    client_max_body_size 400M;        

In terminal initialize the application for elasticbeanstalk using awsebcli
Make sure you are in main directory where you can access file ( Use dir or ls command to verify)

    eb init -i

    Select a default region 
    (Default is 3): 6  

    application name: Buddydome

    Enter Application Name
    (default is "BuddyDome "): BuddyDome

    Select a platform
    (make a selection): 9       //Python

    Select a platform branch. 3

In Terminal Create Elastic beanstalk environment:-

    eb create Buddydome-env

use the following to get the status and to open the deployed application:-

    eb status
    eb open

Use the following only in case you make some changes after environment creation

    eb deploy

Step-4 : Setting Up DNS (Route53 and Hostinger)

  1. Go to Route53 and create a "Hosted Zone" with corresponding Hostinger domain name ( e.g.
  2. Change Hostinger Nameservers to Route53 Generated Nameservers (changes might take upto 24hr)
  3. In Hosted Zone, create a "A" type Record
    • Leave Subdomain as blank
    • Toggle "Alias"
    • In Endpoint, choose Alias to "Elastic Beanstalk environment"
    • CHoose Corresponding Region, ap-south-1 "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"
    • Choose Environment, select the corresponding elasticbeanstalk environment that directs to Buddydome Project

    • Click "Add another record"
    • > > Write "www" in subdomain
    • > > Choose Type as "CNAME"
    • > > In Value write original domain i.e.

    • Click "Create Records"

With this your application has been successfully deployed and hosted with a Domain