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Warp Prism Kernel

Modern backend framework on top of

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Warp Prism is a back-end framework which allows you to build real time applications in a easier way.


  • NodeJS >= 6.0.0
  • A server. Feel also free to use deepstreamhub.


Deepstream is a realtime server where clients are connected to communicate between each others and dispatch some actions, it can be mutating objects, asking for some RPC, whatever...

warp prism architecture

In this architecture, there is (at least) two kinds of clients :

  • Consumers clients - Which will most of time subscribe to resources, and update some. This still remain on your own implementation.
  • Providers clients - Those will provide data to the consumers clients and feed the data stream. This is that kind of clients that Warp Prism Kernel aim to simplify.

In the previous schema, clients A, B and C are consumers clients, they subscribe to stocks rate changes where LSE and NASDAQ are providers clients, they feed the stream with new rates each seconds and to do that, they could have used WPK.


A classic WPK (Warp Prism Kernel) app is just a sum of multiple providers that will do whatever you needs. Think of Controllers of usual M.V.C. apps. All of these providers wrapped by a root kernel which allows to use additionnal helpers in order to validate data, check system charge and many other things.

Register custom providers

Now you need to register custom providers that will fill your needs. Warp prism give you some helpers in order to simplify this task.

You need to create one file per "category" of actions. Below example highlight a set of booking actions, this is standard C.R.U.D. operations.

// src/providers/booking.ts
import { Provider } from "warp-prism-kernel";
import * as deepstream from '';

const bookAction = (data, response: deepstreamIO.RPCResponse) => {
  // Your custom logic... see

  response.send('Not implemented yet !');

export default new Provider([
  { name: "saveBook", handler: bookAction }

The kernel will auto-register your providers. Default looking to a src/providersdirectory, but you can override this behavior by setting the providersDir option on the kernel instantiation.

import * as path from "path";
import { WarpPrismKernel } from "warp-prism-kernel";

// Export application kernel for further uses.
export const kernel = new WarpPrismKernel({
  deepstreamUrl: "wss://",
  providersDir: path.resolve("dist", "providers"), // Override providers dir to /dist/providers, useful when using compiled sources like typescript.

Take care of how the system register providers, imagine we have the following directories structure:

  • src/
    • providers/cook.js
      • subfolder/another-provider.js

First a cook/actionName provider will be registered and then, because we have subfolder, a subfolder-another-provider/actionName provider will be registered. This is how WarpPrism handle folding depth.

Here we are ! Once we will have booted our kernel, we will be able to use this provider on client side that will be named booking/saveBook.

Instantiate a kernel

The kernel is the heart of your application. Each application need one in order to work.

Start by creating a kernel.ts file in which your kernel is going to live.

// src/kernel.ts
import { WarpPrismKernel } from 'warp-prism';
import providers from './providers';

// Initialize app kernel
export const kernel = new WarpPrismKernel({
  deepstreamUrl: 'wss://your_server',
  providers: providers

You can import the kernel everywhere to access the service container among others. Now we just need to boot the kernel and our app will be running.

// src/main.ts
import { kernel } from './kernel';

// Boostrap application
kernel.boot().then(() => {
  console.log('Kernel started !')

Thats simple as that ! Enjoy your application.

Helper services

Warp prism provide some helpers, you can use it by accessing the service container which is kind of a toolbox.

  • System service - Provide a systemUnderStress boolean representing the system state in term of CPU load and RAM usage.
  • Mailer service - Provide a way to send e-mail through your application.
  • Validator service - Provide a way to validate data that your application receive.
  • Image service - Provide a way to validate transform and adapt images that your application receive.

Kernel configuration

Here are the options you can provide to your kernel on instantiation.

interface IWarpPrismConfig {
    deepstreamUrl: string; // The endpoint your backend will try to connect to.
    providersDir?: string; // A path to providers dir. Default: src/providers
    authData?: any; // Anything that will be passed to deepstream auth. Depends on your implementation.


Modern backend framework on top of








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