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Software Library RaSTA Protocol Reference Stack according to EN 50128:2011 SIL4

MIT license REUSE status

This framework contains the SBB AG (Swiss Federal Railways) Software Library RaSTA Protocol Reference Stack. It allows an integration of the source code in an application for e.g. EULYNX Object Controllers.

ℹ️ This Software Library Code was developed according to EN 50128:2011 SIL4. SBB AG used the RaSTA Stack for proof of concept of an EULYNX Object Controller.


In a cross-industry approach with the aviation industry, Schweizerische Bundesbahnen AG (SBB AG) has procured and integrated a platform that allows SBB to perform proofs of concept (PoC) for the EULYNX Object Controller (OC). One of these PoC has demonstrated that it is possible to run both safety-relevant and non-safety-relevant software simultaneously and independently of each other on a common processor system using currently available operating systems.

The EULYNX OC behaviour has been demonstrated using a simulated EULYNX interlocking, a real main signal and other simulated external equipment.

The paper was published in SIGNAL+DRAHT | Issue 06/2023 | "Integrated safety and security through software-based segregation in the EULYNX Object Controller"

Content & Version

Version Content
1.1.0 Source Code (Safety and Retransmission Layer & Redundancy Layer)
Source Code Documentation
User Manual

Getting Started

Library Integration

  • To use this Software Library develop your application according to EN 51026, EN 50128.
  • Integrate and adapt the library source code to your application, see User Manual

Checking File Integrity

To verify the integrity of the source files, their MD5 checksum can be checked against the published MD5 checksums from the ISA Inspection Report. All published checksums are stored in the rasta_stack_content.md5-File. They can be checked using a bash shell with the following command: md5sum -c rasta_stack_content.md5

Important: File checksums were generated with line ending set to CRLF.

Building Library / Running Unit Tests

A basic CMake build system is integrated so the static libraries can be built and a zip-package be exported including this libraries. Additionally the unit tests can be build and executed. The following tools are need for the instructions below:

  • CMake
  • Ninja
  • GNU C Compiler
  • Google Test/Mock (Version 1.12.1 was used for development)

GoogleTest library must be installed on your system.
A detailed guide can be found in the official GoogleTest documentation.

Steps Details
1. Open a Bash shell -
2. Navigate into cloned git workspace -
3. Build cmake project cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Debug -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS:BOOL=TRUE -S. -B./build -G Ninja
3.1 If cmake is not finding your GoogleTest installation by itself, the following option can be set to specify your installation path -DGOOGLE_TEST_PATH:PATH="<path-to-your-google-test-installation>"
4. Build RaSTA libraries cmake --build ./build --config Debug --target all --
5. Run all unit tests ctest --test-dir ./build
To run only a subset of the tests, one of the following options can be passed to ctest: -
5.1 Unit tests Safety & Retransmission Layer -E "^gtest_red.*|^gtest_srIntegration.*"
5.2 Unit tests Redundancy Layer -E "^gtest_sr.*|^gtest_redIntegration.*|^gtest_ra.*"
6. Run CPack to build zip File with the static RaSTA libraries cpack
7. Export the generated* Package and use the library -

Further documentation

The following documents are available internally at SBB or on request. If we should send you any of the mentioned documents, please send an email to [email protected].

  • ISA Inspection Report ("Inspection Report about the Software Library RaSTA Protocol Reference Stack, Version 1.1.0, for the Integration into an EULYNX OC Platform, according to EN 50128:2011")
  • Specifications according EN 50128:2011 SIL4
  • Verification kit for component tests, integration tests according EN 50128:2011 SIL4


The code is released under the MIT license.