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A generic links div container to fit as many content blocks with title and list items as provided.

Demo page

Visit the demo page to see SUI-Links in action.


This React component will iterate an array of objects to create different content blocks.

  <Link {...singleLink} />,

  <LinkList list={linkList}/>,

Data structure

Provide the following data structure for a singleLink or a linkList:

const singleLink = {
    literal: 'Alquiler de pisos en Madrid Capital',
    title: 'Element title',
    target: '_parent',
    link: ''

const linkList = [
    literal: 'Alquiler de pisos en Madrid Capital',
    title: 'Element title',
    target: '_parent',
    link: ''
    literal: 'Comprar pisos',
    title: 'Element title',
    target: '_parent',
    link: ''


Pass a config object to a single Link component with information regarding literals, title, target and link. In addition you can specify className and pass an element as an SVG Icon:

<Link {...singleLink}
    icon={<Batteryempty size={16} svgClass='MySVGicon'/>}

If you need further information regarding SVG icons check out SUI-Iconset repository


Clone this repository and run:

$ npm install


To run the lint tasks we have dependencies of:

If that tools are not installed you cant commit. Because the lint pass never will be ok. To get further information please checkout the Frontend Precomit Rules doc page.

Start working in development mode:

$ npm run dev

This command will build your .sass, .jsx and .js files and open a local development environment, with hot reloading. A browser window will be opened as well, showing the entry point of your documents folder for development purposes.

To work in TDD mode:

$ npm run test:watch

To run unit tests only once:

$ npm test

To run SASS linting:

$ npm run lint:sass

To publish yours docs page:

$ npm run doc

That will publish in a gh-page for docs folder. What is a component without a public demo, isn´t ?!