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result: complete
result: complete
result: duplicate
result: duplicate
result: This issue or pull request already exists
result: wontfix
result: wontfix
result: This will not be worked on
target: ci/cd
target: ci/cd
target: cli
target: cli
target: data-layer
target: data-layer
target: definition_file
target: definition_file
target: k8s
target: k8s
target: metric-updater
target: metric-updater
target: metrics-collector
target: metrics-collector
target: package (dependency)
target: package (dependency)
target: plan
target: plan
target: scaling-component
target: scaling-component
target: test
target: test
target: web-app (UI)
target: web-app (UI)
type: bug
type: bug
type: Something isn't working
type: documentation
type: documentation
type: Improvements or additions to documentation
type: new-feature
type: new-feature
type: New feature or request
type: question
type: question
type: Further information is requested
type: refactoring
type: refactoring
type: Refactor the code
type: small-improvement
type: small-improvement