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SReject edited this page Jan 10, 2017 · 2 revisions

JSON for mIRC is an mIRC Script to parse and access JSON data from within mIRC.

"But Mr. Reject, there's plenty of these scripts! Why create another?" Well, little one, I find that most of those scripts trade in efficiency for simplicity. Generally speaking most JSON scripts for mIRC reparse the json data each time that data needs to be accessed.

My version, though a bit more complex to understand, only requires the parsing of JSON data once per JSON handler instance, making it quite a bit faster and less resource intensive to use. Along with being a bit more efficient handling JSON, the script can retrieve data from remote sources for parsing. Allowing for the request method and headers to be set as needed.

"But why a JSON parser? Why not spend your time coding something that the typical user would make use of?". Its simple, to make those fancy GUI-intensive scripts, scripters need/use tools to simplify the tasks. This is one such tool.

The reason for a JSON parser vs. some other 'tool' is because of its overwhelming use around the web. Now-a-days, when you want data from a website they probably package it as an API that generally returns results in JSON format. Examples include:,,, and