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Complete JavaScript + React Course PI

food site XMLHttpRequest fetch('server.php') Server(db.json) Web Storage Babel
advanced-JS local server JSON & AJAX Promise & Fetch webpack Error
react JSX props state hooks Redux

Use ARIA Effectively with HTML5

ARIA roles are added to HTML markup like an attribute. They define the type of element and suggest what purpose it serves.

<header role="banner">
<div role="contentinfo">
   This website was built by SKj.
<a href="aria.html" role="presentation">
 <img src="aria-thumbnail.jpg" role="presentation" alt="Use ARIA effectively">

There are two types of aria- attributes:

  • value of states are bound to change as a result of user interaction;
    • <input type="radio" aria-checked="true">
  • value of properties is less likely to change;
    • <label id="address">Address</label>
      <input type="text" aria-labelledby="address">
    • <figure aria-labelledby="operahouse_1">
        <img src="operahousesteps.jpg" alt="The Sydney Opera House">
        <figcaption id="operahouse_1">We saw the opera <cite>Barber of Seville</cite> here!</figcaption>

Use Semantic HTML Elements Where Possible!

<p>In <cite>The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufock</cite> by T.S. Eliot, 
  the clinical imagery of the line <q>Like a patient etherized upon a table</q>
  suggests themes of loneliness.</p>

Note that the alt attribute does not reflect the same purpose as the figcaption element – the purpose of alt is to provide alternative text for an image, while figcaption can be a relevant caption for a figure.

 <img src="bobby.jpg" alt="My dog Bobby playing fetch in the park">
 <figcaption>Isn’t Bobby cute?</figcaption>