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JSDOM Visual Studio Code Extension

HTML Text to JSON Transmutation Extension for Visual Studio Code

This Visual Studio Code extension extracts all text nodes from an HTML file open in the editor and replaces each of them with a span element that contains a unique id. The texts are stored in a JSON file and can be replaced back into the HTML file using a JavaScript function.


  1. Install the extension in Visual Studio Code.

  2. Open an HTML file in the editor.

  3. Run the toffeeshade.transmutation command from the command palette (press F1 and type toffeeshade.transmutation).

The extension will perform the following actions:

  • It will parse the HTML file using JSDOM.
  • It will go through all the text nodes in the file and replace each one with a span element that contains a unique id. The text is saved in a JSON file.
  • It will create a JavaScript file with a function that can replace the texts back into the HTML file.

The JSON file and the JavaScript file are saved in the root of your workspace.


  • The extension starts by parsing the HTML file using JSDOM.
  • It then goes through all the text nodes in the file. For each text node, it creates a new span element and gives it a unique id. It then replaces the text node with the new span element.
  • The original text from the text node is stored in a JSON file, using the id as the key.
  • After all text nodes have been processed, the extension writes the JSON file to the root of your workspace. The JSON file is named textes.json.
  • The extension also creates a JavaScript file with a function that can replace the texts back into the HTML file. This function is written to a file named filltext.js.
  • The modified HTML content is then written back into the original file.

Note: Make sure to install the required dependencies and adjust the port number according to your needs.

📜 License

This repository is released under the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for more information.

❓ Support & Questions

If you have any questions or need support, please feel free to open an issue or join my twitter.

💎 Recommendations

If you're looking for more tools to boost your productivity, these repositories are worth checking out:

  • HTML Text Extractor: This Python script extracts all text nodes from HTML files and stores them in a JSON file. It's a perfect complement to our VSCode plugin that enables similar functionality directly in your editor.

  • JSON to HTML Integrator: Another Python script that takes a JSON file and integrates its content into a corresponding HTML file. Used in tandem with the HTML Text Extractor, it streamlines the process of text extraction and reintegration in web development.

  • JSON Word Replacer: This Python script allows you to replace specific words in a JSON file. It's a handy tool for mass-editing JSON data, especially in the context of localizing or translating web content.