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This is the backend for different identity provider which would provide a statistical analysis over it.

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Social Backend

This repository contains a Node.js API that integrates multiple identity providers, such as GitHub, Twitter, Facebook, and Google, using OAuth authentication process with the help of Passport.js OAuth strategies.

Tech Stack

The project utilizes the following technologies:

  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • Express.js
  • Passport.js


  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • Docker
  • Passport OAuth
  • Kubernetes

Testing Url

  • Please add your preferred endpoint from the given list of endpoints while testing the api


Due to safety concerns, Don't perform the oauth authentication on the deployed url to heroku. That deployement is url is not authenticated as the callback url.


Docker ( I am using docker for the containerisation of my application )

  • Build

    docker build -t socialbackend .
  • Run the container

     docker run -p 3002:3002 socialbackend

Kubernetes Cluster Deploymemt

  1. Check for any deployment that already exists with the following command

    kubectl get deployment
  2. Check for any service that already exists and is running with the help of of following command

    kubectl get svc
  3. Deploy and apply the changes to kubernetes cluster by using the deployment.yaml file with the the following command

    kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
  4. Apply and push your service.yaml file for your kubernetes cluster with following command

    kubectl apply -f service.yaml
  5. Check whether your kubernetes service and deployment is up and running by the following command

      kubectl get deployments    (to check deployment status)
      kubectl get svc            (to check service status)
  6. Run your kubernetes service with the help of following command

       minikube service social-backend-service

Folder Structure

  • Controller
    - facebook.controller.js
    - github.controller.js
    - google.controller.js
    - twitter.controller.js
    - passportStartegies.controller.js
    - protected.controller.js
    - statisticalAnalysis.controller.js
    - unprotected.controller.js
    - initial.controller.js
  • Routes
   - facebookAuth.router.js
   - googleAuth.router.js
   - twitterAuth.router.js
   - protectedRoutes.router.js
   - unProtectedRoutes.router.js
   - statisticalAnalysis.router.js
   - githubAuth.router.js
   - unProtectedRoutes.router.js
  • Middleware
    - loggedIn.middleware.js (current , I am not using this middleware anywhere)


    AnalysisRouter.get("/getAnalysisData", performStatisticalAnalysis);
  • Google Oauth endpoint (PROVIDE GOOGLE AUTH)
    GoogleRouter.get("/google", googleControllert.googleAuth);
    GoogleRouter.get("/google/callback", googleControllert.googleAuthCallback);
    GoogleRouter.get("/google/logout", googleControllert.logout);
  • Twitter Oauth endpoint (PROVIDE TWITTER AUTH)
    TwitterRouter.get("/twitter", TwitterController.twitterAuth);
    TwitterRouter.get("/twitter/callback", TwitterController.twitterAuthCallback);
  • Github Oauth endpoint (PROVIDE GITHUB AUTH)
    GithubRouter.get("/github", GithubController.githubAuth);
    GithubRouter.get("/github/callback", GithubController.githubAuthCallback);
  • Facebook Oauth endpoint (PROVIDE FACEBOOK AUTH)
    FaceBookRouter.get("/facebook", FacebookController.facebookAuth);
  • Other such as protected and unprotected routes

Analysis Endpoint Response from diffrent identity providers

    "googleUsers": 3,
    "twitterUsers": 2,
    "facebookUsers": 1,
    "githubUsers": 1,
    "averageTwitterFollowers": 42,
    "averageGithubUsers": 1,
    "totalGithubRepositories": 33,
    "totalDistinctLocations": 2

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Replace the mongodb uri string with your own uri string , provided by your mongodb cluster.

  3. Passport.js oAuth startergies uses client id , client secret and callBack url for the authentication so replace those values with your own access keys provided by the diffrent identity providers. I am using four identity providers which are google , twitter , github and Facebook.

module.exports = {
  googleKey: {
    clientID: CLIENT_ID,
    clientSecret: CLIENT_SECRET,
    callbackURL: "http://localhost:3002/auth/google/callback",
  twitterKey: {
    consumerKey: TWITTER_CLIENT_ID,
    consumerSecret: TWIITTER_CLIENT_SECRET,
    callbackURL: "http://localhost:3002/auth/twitter/callback",
  faceBookKey: {
    clientID: FACEBOOK_APP_ID,
    clientSecret: FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET,
    callbackURL: "http://localhost:3002/auth/facebook/callback",
  githubKey: {
    clientSecret: GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET,
    callbackURL: "http://localhost:3002/auth/github/callback",

Replace the key here with your key.

  1. Run the application on your machine with the help of

    nodemon app.js
  2. Build the docker container with the help of following command

      docker build -t socialBackend .
  3. Run the docker image with the help of the following command ( server port is 3002 )

     docker run -p 3002:3002 socialbackend
  4. Get the docker image at the following url