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Version: 1.2.2 - 24 September 2018.


Django site for Pur'N'Kleen.

Project setup

  1. Install Homebrew.
  2. This project uses Python 3. Make sure you have installed Python 3. One way to install it is: brew install python3.
  3. You can verify which version of Python is installed by: python3 --version, and run it with python3.
  4. Create a new Python virtual environment, for example python3.7 -m venv purnkleen.
  5. To activate the new virtual environment, source purnkleen/bin/activate.
  6. And you can start Python by typing: python.
  7. Next, install virtualenvwrapper by first running pip install virtualenv --user and then pip install virtualenvwrapper --user.
  8. Create a folder that will contain all your virtual environments: mkdir ~/.virtualenvs.
  9. Open your .bashrc file and add: export WORKON_HOME=~/.virtualenvs and source /Users/rommel/Library/Python/2.7/bin/
  10. You can activate these changes by typing source .bashrc.
  11. We are ready to create a new virtual environment using Python 3 with mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/local/bin/python3 purnkleen.
  12. This creates a folder purnkleen inside the environments folder ~/.virtualenvs.The new environment will be active after running the previous command.
  13. To deactivate it, just type deactivate.
  14. And to activate it again: workon purnkleen.
  15. While being in your python3 virtual environment, if you type python you activate python 3! Moreover, you can use pip to call pip3 and install python3 packages. For example, you can install Django 1.7 using pip install Django==1.7.

Now, you’re ready to code!

PostgreSQL Setup

  1. Download from here:
  2. Make sure the port matches what is in your config/settings_local.ini folder.
  3. Click initialize.
  4. Install pgAdmin:
  5. Create a new server using the settings in the config/settings_local.ini.
  6. Set up the database using the default postgres user.
  7. Create the pnk_admin user with full access.
  8. Create purnkleen database.
  9. python migrate

That's it. Run the server! (


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MIT License