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Cordova ReadyToUse iBeacon is a script that give a complete solution "ready to use", based on several Cordova plugins, to connect to iBeacons in a Cordova application.


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Cordova Ready iBeacon is a script that give a complete solution "ready to use", based on several Cordova plugins, to connect to iBeacons in a Cordova application.

It provides by its own the device verification (to make sure the user device is compatible with iBeacons), Bluetooth and Location services verification. The script informs the user about compatibility (when it's not compatible) and request services activation if required ones are disabled.

Supported platforms

  • Android 4.4.2 (KitKat) and higher
  • iOS 8 and higher

Supported devices

Only devices that are compatible with Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) can connect to iBeacons.
The devices list is available here

Tested iBeacons

IBKS105 iBeacon

Feel free to indicates the model you use with success.



Cordova ReadyToUse iBeacon is based on several plugins that you have to install to make it works :

cordova plugin add
cordova plugin add
cordova plugin add
cordova plugin add
cordova plugin add
cordova plugin add cordova.plugins.diagnostic
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device

In your HTML file, first add this scripts before the </body> tag :

<script src="cordova.js"></script>
<script src="cordova_plugins.js"</script>
<script src="cordova-ready-ibeacon.js"></script>


In your JavaScript file, all your code must be inside :

document.addEventListener('deviceready', function() {
    /* Your code here, if not, it does not work, at all */

Then, you have to call the initialize() method. You must add the identifiers of all the beacons you have to scan.

    /* The identifiers of all the beacons to scan */
    regions: [
          id: 'myFirstBeacon',
    		major: 1,
    		minor: 1
          id: 'mySecondBeacon',
    		major: 1,
    		minor: 2
    /* The actions to do when a beacon is detected,
       you can do different things depending on the proximity */
    actions: function(beacon, identifier) {
    	if (beacon.proximity === 'ProximityImmediate') {
    	  alert('I am very next to : ' + identifier);
    	else if (beacon.proximity === 'ProximityNear') {
    	  alert('I am next to : ' + identifier);
    	else if (beacon.proximity === 'ProximityFar') {
    	  alert('I am far from : ' + identifier);

Start scanning

Your can start scanning for beacons using the ibeaconInitialized event and the startScan() method. This event is fired each time the initialize method is used.

document.addEventListener('ibeaconInitialized', function() {
}, false);

Stop scanning

You can stop scanning whenever you want using the stopScan() method. This method is called automatically when the app is sent in background.


Request Bluetooth and Location activation

You can call activateServices() method to request Bluetooth and Location activation if disabled. This method is called within the initialize() method.


Other events

Some events are trigerred to let you manage all the situations :


This event is fired when the user device does not support Bluetooth LE, which is required to connect to iBeacons.

document.addEventListener('ibeaconNotSupported', function() {
/* Do something */
}, false);

This event is fired when the user disable ibeacons features with the modal provided by the script. This modal appears when the user refuse to enable Bluetooth or Location Services.

document.addEventListener('ibeaconDisabled', function() {
/* Do something */
}, false);

LocalStorage values

Some values are stored in the localStorage to prevent some actions to happend continually.


Returns a string '0' when device is not compatible and '1' when it is.


Returns a string '1' when ibeacon features are disabled by the user, else returns NULL.


Returns a string '1' when the script displayed the "bluetooth LE not supported" message, else returns NULL.



All texts displayed by this script can be translated in the user language, based on the navigator.language parameter. For now, the script is available in english and french.

You can add a translation by adding your language code and the corresponding texts at the top of the cordova-ready-ibeacon.js file :

en: {
	deviceCheckingErrorTitle: 'Something went wrong',
	deviceCheckingErrorMessage: 'Impossible to check if the device can connect to ibeacons. Please, activate Bluetooth and restart the application.',
	deviceCheckingErrorButton: 'Close',
	deviceCheckingMessage: 'Device checking.',
	deviceNotSupportedErrorTitle: 'Your device is not supported',
	deviceNotSupportedErrorMessage: 'Your device does not support Bluetooth 4.0, functionalities related to ibeacons are disabled.',
	deviceNotSupportedErrorButton: 'Continue',
	bluetoothNotEnabledAndroidErrorTitle: 'Enable Bluetooth ?',
	bluetoothNotEnabledAndroidErrorMessage: 'You must enable Bluetooth to connect to ibeacons.',
	bluetoothNotEnabledAndroidErrorButtons: 'Cancel,Enable',
	bluetoothNotEnabledIosErrorTitle: 'Enable Bluetooth ?',
	bluetoothNotEnabledIosErrorMessage: 'You must enable Bluetooth to connect to ibeacons.\n\n(Settings -> Bluetooth)',
	bluetoothNotEnabledIosErrorButtons: 'Cancel,Enable',
	waitingScreenBluetoothMessage: 'Please, enable Bluetooth',
	locationNotEnabledIosErrorTitle: 'Enable Location Services ?',
	locationNotEnabledIosErrorMessage: 'You must enable Location Services to connect to ibeacons.\n\n(Settings -> Privacy ->\nLocation Services)',
	locationNotEnabledIosErrorButtons: 'Cancel,Ok',
	waitingScreenLocationMessage: 'Please, enable Location Services',
	locationNotAuthorizedErrorTitle: 'You must authorize the application',
	locationNotAuthorizedErrorMessage: 'You must authorize this application to use Location Services to connect to ibeacons.',
	locationNotAuthorizedErrorButtons: 'Cancel,Authorize',
	servicesActivationCancelledAndroidTitle: 'Disable ibeacons features ?',
	servicesActivationCancelledAndroidMessage: 'If you do not enable Bluetooth, ibeacons features will be disabled.\n\nAre you sure ?',
	servicesActivationCancelledAndroidButtons: 'Enable,Disable',
	servicesActivationCancelledIosTitle: 'Disable ibeacons features ?',
	servicesActivationCancelledIosMessage: 'If you do not enable Bluetooth and Location Services, ibeacons features will be disabled.\n\nAre you sure ?',
	servicesActivationCancelledIosButtons: 'Enable,Disable'


Cordova ReadyToUse iBeacon is a script that give a complete solution "ready to use", based on several Cordova plugins, to connect to iBeacons in a Cordova application.







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