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Azure Resource Naming Convention trough Bicep and Tempate-Spec


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Azure Resources Naming Conventions and Tagging with Bicep and Azure DevOps


Example Repository for creating a Resource Group within Azure for storing a template spec which can be loaded into the main.bicep for a uniform naming convention an tagging strategy. After creation a Lock will be set an RBAC will be applied. Although there are several methods to achieve a naming convention within Azure, i decided to publish my approach to Github. Use it to your benifit. If you have any recommendations or remarks about my method please feel free to drop me a line


  • Basic knowledge of Azure DevOps and Bicep (Tip visit Microsoft Learn for learning and covering the basics of Bicep)
  • Azure DevOps account
  • 4 Service Connections within your Project
    • AzureDEV
    • AzureTST
    • AzureACC
    • AzurePRD
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Visual Studio Code Bicep Extension
  • A Tagging strategy within your organisation, for my convenience i used some recommendations from ISO27001
  • 3 Azure AD Groups for applying RBAC (in the future i would like to achieve this trough a deployment script)
    • role-resourcegroupName-Readers
    • role-resourcegroupName-Contributors
    • role-resourcegroupName-Administrators


Clone this repo for your own usage.


Although this approach works for me, i can imagine that it doesn't for you. I'm sorry but then you are on your own or use the world wide web for some background on Bicep. There is a lot of information to find.

Repo structure



Within the bicepconfig.json file there is an alias section created for the location of the template-spec: convention-names. This template-spec will be loaded in the main.bicep for the uniform naming convention. For more information about the possile settings in this file see: Change the values within the following section to represent the resource group in which the convention-names template spec will be placed, also change the subscription to your own:

 "ts": {
          "NamesSpecs": {
            "subscription": "subscriptionID",
            "resourceGroup": "YOUR RESOURCE GROUP"


This is where the magic happpens from a Bicep perspective this main.bicep file is called from the main.yml file which resides in the folder: Pipelines. In the main.bicep there is a mandatory section. Do not change or delete this section. If you do, your pipeline Deploy step will fail. For demonstration purposes only the following resources will be created:

  • A Resource Group (name is depending on your input in the start-pipeline.yml)
  • A template-spec within the resource group called: convention-names
  • A StorageAccount with the naming convention configured in the template-spec



This is the pipeline which will be configured to run within Azure DevOps. The start-pipeline.yml is in it self fully documented so further explanation is not nessecary in my opinion. This start-pipeline.yml is not much more then a parameter file which calls other yaml files for the actual execution of the pipeline.


In the main.yml file there is a mandatory parameter section which must not be edited or deleted. If you do your pipeline will fail. This is because the parameters are expected in the start-pipeline.yml and they are also declared as a param in the main.bicep file


This yaml file takes the resources.names.bicep file and converts is to a the template-spec which will be placed in the resource group you've created with the main.yml. Also in this file there is a mandatory parameter section which can not be deleted. A part of this parameters is used for applying tagging to the resource.


This yaml pipeline takes the following files:

  • resources.config.bicep
  • storage.configurationset.bicep And converts them to a template-spec in the resourceGroup. Depending on Environment a configuration is applied. To achieve this approach you have to call the output and add the item to the Module param section. For an example of usage take a look at the storageModule in the main.bicep file


In this folder i place my bicep resource files which will be called as a module from the main.bicep file. For demontration purpose there are only the following files:

  • storage.Account.bicep
  • rbac.lock.bicep


There are some mandatory settings in this file. These settings are nessecary to achieve the naming convention and tagging strategy. So again do not delete or change these values unless you are know what you're doing. In the following code block you see these mandatory settings.

targetScope = 'resourceGroup' // Default, but because there are also other target scopes i want to be sure
param Location string = resourceGroup().location // Deploy the storage account to the same region as your Resource Group
param tagValues object // contructed from your input in the start-pipeline.yml
param storageAccountName string // contructed from your input in the start-pipeline.yml and the template-spec: convention-names

// Params for Storage Configuration Set which will be applied in resources.bicep under StorageModule
param storageSKU object // Depending on Environment (AzureDEV, AzureTS, AzureACC or AzurePRD), configuration is contructed from storage-config template spec
param storageKind string //  Depending on Environment (AzureDEV, AzureTS, AzureACC or AzurePRD), configuration is contructed from storage-config template spec
param storageMinimumTlsVersion string //  Depending on Environment (AzureDEV, AzureTS, AzureACC or AzurePRD), configuration is contructed from storage-config template spec
param storagesupportsHttpsTrafficOnly bool //  Depending on Environment (AzureDEV, AzureTS, AzureACC or AzurePRD), configuration is contructed from storage-config template spec
param storageNetworkAclAllow string //  Depending on Environment (AzureDEV, AzureTS, AzureACC or AzurePRD), configuration is contructed from storage-config template spec
param storageNetworkAclBypass string //  Depending on Environment (AzureDEV, AzureTS, AzureACC or AzurePRD), configuration is contructed from storage-config template spec
param blobRestore bool //  Depending on Environment (AzureDEV, AzureTS, AzureACC or AzurePRD), configuration is contructed from storage-config template spec
param blobContainerDeleteRetentionPolicy bool //  Depending on Environment (AzureDEV, AzureTS, AzureACC or AzurePRD), configuration is contructed from storage-config template spec
param blobDeleteRetentionPolicy bool //  Depending on Environment (AzureDEV, AzureTS, AzureACC or AzurePRD), configuration is contructed from storage-config template spec
param fileServicesRetention bool //  Depending on Environment (AzureDEV, AzureTS, AzureACC or AzurePRD), configuration is contructed from storage-config template spec


Bicep resurce for creating RBAC on the resource group and underlying resources. Before applying this configuration create manual the required Azure AD groups, and copy the ID's in the param.

targetScope = 'resourceGroup'
param LockLevel string // This parameter is retrieved from resources.config.bicep
param EnvironmentType  string // This parameter is retrieved from the Yaml pipeline
param LockUid string = uniqueString(EnvironmentType) // needed for creation of an Unique Lock name

@description('principalId of the Role Group that will be given Reader access to the resourceGroup')
param ReaderprincipalId string = 'AZURE AD ROLEGROUPID' // role-resourcegroupname-readers for now fixed value in future trough deployment script
@description('roleDefinition to apply to the resourceGroup - default is Reader')
param ReaderroleDefinitionId string = 'acdd72a7-3385-48ef-bd42-f606fba81ae7' // Guid of the  BuiltIN Reader Role (Access control (IAM))
param ReaderUid string = newGuid()
@description('principalId of the Role Group that will be given Contribute access to the resourceGroup')
param ContributorPrincipalId string = 'AZURE AD ROLEGROUPID' //role-resourcegroupname-contributors for now fixed value in future trough deployment script
@description('roleDefinition to apply to the resourceGroup - Contributor')
param ContributorRoleDefinitionId string = 'b24988ac-6180-42a0-ab88-20f7382dd24c' // Guid of the BuiltIN Contributor Role (Access control (IAM))
param ContributorUid string = newGuid()
@description('principalId of the Role Group that will be given Owner access to the resourceGroup')
param OwnerPrincipalId string = 'AZURE AD ROLEGROUPID' // role-resourcegroupname-administrators for now fixed value in future trough deployment script
@description('roleDefinition to apply to the resourceGroup - Owner')
param OwnerRoleDefinitionId string = '8e3af657-a8ff-443c-a75c-2fe8c4bcb635' // Guid of the BuiltIN Owner Role (Access control (IAM))
param OwnerUid string = newGuid()

var ReaderUS = uniqueString('${ReaderUid}-${EnvironmentType}')
@description('Unique name for the roleAssignment in the format of a guid')
var ReaderRoleAssignmentName = guid(ReaderUS)
var ContributorUS = uniqueString('${ContributorUid}-${EnvironmentType}')
@description('Unique name for the roleAssignment in the format of a guid')
var ContributorRoleAssignmentName  = guid(ContributorUS)
@description('Unique name for the roleAssignment in the format of a guid')
var OwnerRoleAssignmentName  = guid(OwnerUS)
var OwnerUS = uniqueString('${OwnerUid}-${EnvironmentType}')


If-Deploy condition Resource Lock: As you can see in the code block below, there is a if-deploy condition configured. In this case the Lock will only be applied if the Environment = AzureACC or AzurePRD. Be aware that there are implications when you're applying a Lock. Visit the Microsoft site for more information on this.

resource lockResource 'Microsoft.Authorization/locks@2016-09-01' = if ((EnvironmentType == 'AzureACC') || (EnvironmentType == 'AzurePRD') ) {
  name: '${LockUid}-${LockLevel}'
  dependsOn: [
    level: LockLevel
    notes: 'This is ${EnvironmentType} therefore this resource should not be deleted.'


In this folder i have placed 2 folders for all the bicep files which are use for creating the template-specs which will be uploaded to the resourceGroupName. It is to your own discretion to change these values to values that fits your requirements.


Folder for the following file(s) which will be uploaded as a template-spec:

  • resources.names.bicep


Folder for the following files(s) which will be uploaded as a template-spec:

  • resources.config.bicep For now the active template-spec for configuration settings depending on EnvironmentType. In the future will be split in to smaller ConfigurationSets


Folder for yaml file: lint.yml This file will be called from the starter-pipeline. Does not really belong here. Must be place in folder: Pipelines but because in the future i want to use a shared yaml repo I dit not moved this file.


Azure Resource Naming Convention trough Bicep and Tempate-Spec








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