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Roan Hofland edited this page Jan 16, 2024 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the KeysPerSecond wiki! Currently this page only documents more extensively how to run the program without having to manually open a configuration file.

There are currently 5 methods to launch the program with a specific configuration, these are mostly written with Windows in mind but should be adaptable to Linux or Mac:

  1. Default config: You can configure a default configuration to open on startup via the main configuration menu or the right click menu.

  2. Changing the default program: You can set KeysPerSecond as the default program for .kps files. Instead of launching the executable try to execute the configuration file instead. That should prompt Windows to ask you for an application to open the file with. Then you need to scroll all the way to the bottom where you can manually locate a program and then you just give it the location of the KeysPerSecond executable. As long as you do not move the KeysPerSecond executable you should be able to launch the configuration by just double clicking your configuration file to launch the program.

  3. Using a batch script: You can write a small batch script that will launch the program with a specific configuration file. The content of the script is simply "C:\path\to\KeysPerSecond.exe" "C:\path\to\config.kps" (keep the quotes) and you save that as somename.bat (make sure it doesn't save as .bat.txt). Then you can just double click this file to launch the program with that config.

  4. Using a shortcut: You can copy the KeysPerSecond executable and then right click somewhere and paste a shortcut. You can now right click this shortcut and go to properties. In properties you should now update the target field to include the configuration file you want to use, this should give something like "C:\path\to\KeysPerSecond.exe" "C:\path\to\config.kps" (keep the quotes). After saving these changes you can now double click the shortcut to start with the set configuration file.

  5. Drag & Drop: You can drag & drop your configuration file onto the KeysPerSecond executable and that will launch it with the given configuration file without showing any configuration steps.

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