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the biggest number in stack
the smallest number in stack
sum of array's number
avarage to array's number

we have a loop like cx:25 , and if ax=5,10,15,20 add bx+=1;

#Animation1# like a wawe

*       *       *       *       *       *
  *   *           *   *           *   *
    *               *               *

you can run step to step and see what happens in code. easy and basic find to how we gonna do it.

M.bilal Bark #String-Kontol--->
Two string comparison and correct or incorrect print operations were performed on the screen.

#Name Surname with x8086--->İsim_Soyisim
#ReverseString with x8086 --->String_Ters_cevirme
#Triangle with x8086 --->dikucgen
#0-100 with 10+ 10+ with x8086--->ondan_yuze
#Check to String When you write to emulator screen with x8086--->String_Karsilastirma
#Repeat char with count with x8086--->tekrar_sayis_kadar_karakter.asm
#ReverseString2 with x8086 --->ters_cevirme
#add sum up to input 'char' with x8086 --->x_girilene_kadar_topla.asm

all of them x8086 assembly language.