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Releases: React-Sight/React-Sight


10 Feb 05:10
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Release version 1.2.0 🚀

Wow! Two releases in one day!

Two year ago someone requested support for Firefox in this thread:

Well, I finally got around to looking into this, and it turned out to be incredibly easy. Essentially all that needed to be changed were a few (misconfigured) settings in manifest.json, fully switching from chrome.extension to chrome.runtime, and passing an empty string into chrome.devtools.panels.create for the icons parameter. Turns out null will actually throw an error in Firefox!


10 Feb 01:10
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Release version 1.1.0 🚀

React-Sight is back! This should make the extenstion actually useable again! It's not perfect, and there are still bugs, but it will actually do something. By updating the webpack configuration, dependencies, and imports, we were able to shave the file size down by 12% (40kb)!

Lots of big changes here:

  • Fix communication issues between background script, content script, and browser tab.
  • Fix communication issues with react-devtools extension.
  • Revamp build system. Why did we even set it up to transpile to es5 in the first place?
  • React sight is now
  • Upgrade all dependencies.

This one is for everyone that commented "not working" in the following threads:


12 Jul 06:20
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This fixes a critical bug that snuck into v1.0.7


12 Jul 05:20
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This is a behind the scenes release that fixes some of the major issues around React-Sight not appearing in the devtools, upgrades many dependencies, and revamps the entire build system. There are no user facing changes here. This is in preparation for a major v2 overhaul!


12 Jul 05:18
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Hello world! This is the first release of React Sight!