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This will be updated with more as time goes on.

How to use

Each Section is in order of the layout of an ERC20 token. By following this, you should achieve the knowledge to create an ERC20 token.


- Basic understanding of blockchain concepts and Ethereum.
- Familiarity with programming concepts (e.g., variables, functions, loops).

Introduction to Solidity

- What is Solidity?
- Solidity's role in Ethereum smart contracts.
- Setting up the development environment (Remix, Truffle, or Hardhat).

Pragma and Imports

- Understanding the "pragma" statement and its purpose.
- Importing other Solidity files and using libraries.

Interface Declaration

- Introduction to interfaces and their significance.
- Creating an interface for ERC20 tokens.

Contract Declaration

- Defining a Solidity contract and its structure.
- Contract constructor and fallback functions.

State Variables

- Exploring state variables and their usage.
- Commonly used state variables in ERC20 tokens (e.g., "mapping", "balances").

Constructor Function

- Creating a constructor for contract initialization.
- Initializing state variables during deployment.

ERC20 Functions

- Implementing ERC20 standard functions:
- balanceOf
- transfer
- transferFrom
- approve
- allowance
- Understanding function modifiers like view and pure.
- Adding Taxes


- Using events to emit information from the contract.
- Subscribing to events from the front-end.

Internal Functions

- Differentiating between internal and external functions.
- Implementing internal helper functions for ERC20 operations.


- Understanding the role of modifiers in Solidity.
- Creating custom modifiers for access control.

Additional ERC20 Features

- Implementing other optional ERC20 functions like:
- totalSupply
- decimals
- Adding custom functionality to the ERC20 contract.

Security Best Practices

- Common vulnerabilities and how to avoid them (e.g., reentrancy, integer overflow).
- Utilizing OpenZeppelin's Solidity library for secure contracts.

Deployment and Interactions

- Deploying the ERC20 contract on a test network (e.g., Rinkeby).
- Interacting with the contract using Remix or a custom front-end.

Project: Building a DApp with ERC20

- Applying the knowledge gained to build a decentralized application (DApp) that uses ERC20 tokens.

Advanced Topics (Optional)

- Inheritance and contract structuring.
- Upgrading contracts using proxy patterns.
- ERC20 token extensions (e.g., ERC721, ERC1155).


- Recap of the course.
- Guidance on further learning and exploration in Solidity.