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🌈 Flutter app for random color exploration. A playful way to explore color spaces & experiment with Flutter widgets.


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1. Introduction

RGB Fun is a Flutter app that allows users to explore and save randomly generated colors. The motivation behind RGB Fun is to create a fun and engaging way to explore color spaces and possibly discover unique color combinations. I also wanted to try out the Flutter widgets.

2. Features

  • Generate a new random color by tapping anywhere on the screen.
  • The color currently on display can be added to or removed from favorites.
  • View a list of favorite colors, stored persistently between app launches.
  • Each color is displayed in hexadecimal representation.


3. Dependencies

The RGB Fun app depends on a few external libraries:

  • flutter: The Flutter SDK, which provides the fundamental framework and tools to build apps for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.
  • provider: (version ^6.0.5) Used for state management in the application. It allows efficient propagation of changes across the widget tree, making it easier to manage and manipulate state in a clean way.
  • hive: (version ^2.2.3) A lightweight and key-value database. It is used to store favorite colors persistently. It's a good alternative to other heavier databases like SQLite, especially for simple applications like RGB Fun.
  • hive_flutter: (version ^1.1.0) Flutter-specific additions for Hive. This package provides the Hive.initFlutter method which is used for initializing Hive in a Flutter environment. It's a wrapper around Hive and it simplifies the initialization process.

Development dependencies:

  • flutter_test: (version - latest) Provides a rich set of testing features to test your Flutter applications.
  • hive_generator: (version ^2.0.0) Used for code generation for Hive, specifically for generating TypeAdapters that allow Hive to store custom types.
  • build_runner: (version ^2.4.4) A build system for Dart, used to generate the boilerplate code needed for Hive. It is a development dependency as it is not needed in the final app package.

4. Widgets & Functions

Some of the core widgets and functions used in this app include:

  • MyApp: This is the root widget of the application that includes the MaterialApp widget, allowing you to use material design in your app.
  • ChangeNotifierProvider: This is a widget from the provider package used for state management. It wraps around the MyApp widget, providing the instance of FavoritesModel to all the descendants that are listening to it.
  • MaterialApp: This widget is a convenience widget that wraps a number of widgets that are commonly required for applications implementing Material Design.
  • MyHomePage: This is a stateful widget and it's the home page of the app. It contains the logic of generating random colors and switching between home and favorites page.
  • Scaffold: Provides a framework to implement the basic material design visual layout structure. It's used inside the build method of the MyHomePage widget.
  • AppBar: A material design app bar. It appears at the top of the app and contains the app's title.
  • BottomNavigationBar: This widget is a material widget that's displayed at the bottom of an app for selecting among a small number of views. It's used for switching between home and favorites page.
  • HomePage: This stateless widget represents the home page which displays the current color and a favorite button to add or remove the color from the favorites.
  • ColorDisplay: A custom stateless widget to display the current color and its hexadecimal code string representation.
  • FavoritesPage: This stateless widget represents the favorites page, which displays a list of all saved favorite colors.
  • InkWell: This widget provides Material ink splash interactivity to its child widget. It's used inside the ColorDisplay widget so that when a user taps on the color, a new random color is generated.
  • AnimatedContainer: This widget is a container that gradually changes its values over a period of time. It's used to smoothly transition between colors when a new random color is generated.
  • ListView: This widget is a scrollable list of widgets arranged linearly. It's used in the FavoritesPage widget to display a list of all saved favorite colors.
  • Consumer<FavoritesModel>: A widget that listens to FavoritesModel and asks the widget tree to rebuild any time the model changes. It's used in the FavoritesPage widget to rebuild the list when favorites list changes.
  • _colorToHexString: This function converts the provided color into a hexadecimal string. This string is displayed on both the home and favorites pages.
  • FavoritesModel: This class extends ChangeNotifier and holds the state of the application. It's used to manage the favorites list.
  • ColorAdapter: This class extends TypeAdapter from the Hive package. It's used to store and retrieve Color objects from Hive database.

5. Building The App

Before proceeding, ensure that you have Dart and Flutter installed on your system. If you haven't installed them yet, you can follow the linked guides.

Once Dart and Flutter are installed and properly set up, you can follow the steps below to build the RGB Fun app from the source code:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
git clone
  1. Navigate into the cloned repository.
cd RGBfun
  1. Retrieve the app’s package dependencies.
flutter pub get
  1. After running the above command, Flutter will get all the necessary packages needed for the app.

  2. Once all the dependencies are retrieved, you can build the app using the following command:

flutter build apk

The above command will generate the app-release.apk in the build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/ directory.

That's it! You have built the RGB Fun Flutter app from source!

6. Issues / To Do

These are some known issues that need to be addressed and potential enhancements for the app:

  • Removing saved colors: As of now, there is no way to remove colors once they are added to the favorites list.
  • Smoother system UI style transition: The app changes the system UI overlay style without any animation based on the generated color.
  • Copying the hex color: Currently, the app does not provide a way to copy the hexadecimal value of the color.
  • More adaptive color changing: The application could benefit from more sophisticated color generation.
  • Unit and Integration testing: Add comprehensive unit and integration tests to ensure application stability and ease of adding new features.

7. License

GNU GPLv3 Image

This project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3.


🌈 Flutter app for random color exploration. A playful way to explore color spaces & experiment with Flutter widgets.








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