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Releases: PrismLauncher/PrismLauncher

Prism Launcher 8.3

23 Apr 18:30
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Hello there!

We have accumulated a few changes and fixes in the past few weeks.
Most notably, support for NeoForge mods for 1.20.5 and upwards has been added, and some issues with unicode on Windows have been fixed!
Let's hope this makes your Prism Launcher experience even better than before!

Until next time!





Full Changelog: 8.2...8.3

You can grab the latest download here for your respective platform.

Prism Launcher 8.2

03 Mar 21:19
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Hello there!

We forgot to update the version number in our last release! In case you missed it, check out the release post

Until next time!



  • Changed version number

Full Changelog: 8.1...8.2

You can grab the latest download here for your respective platform.

Prism Launcher 8.1

03 Mar 19:16
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Hello there!

We have accumulated a few changes and fixes in the past few weeks and months. This release fixes problems with some newer modpacks (notably ATM) where some mods would be missing. Let's hope this makes your Prism Launcher experience even better than before!

Until next time!

  • Add Modpack-page to instances that were created from files by @Trial97 in #1732
  • Add button to disable resolving dependencies when installing mods by @Trial97 in #1768
  • Add button to select the FTB App instances directory by @Trial97 in #1825
  • Add custom environment variables to Pre-launch/Post-exit commands by @Trial97 in #1860
  • Add more "Open Folder" actions by @Trial97 in #1869
  • Add warning when updating mods while the game is running by @TheKodeToad and @Trial97 in #1852
  • Allow resizing columns of mod and other resource pages by @Trial97 in #1849
  • [Linux] Add game category to instance shortcuts by @leafeling in #1704
  • [Linux] Added warning when /tmp directory is mounted with noexec by @bit69tream in #1882
  • [Windows] Autodetect Java from the Microsoft Store version of the official launcher by @Trial97 in #1798
  • [macOS] Add code signing and notarization by @Scrumplex and @DioEgizio in #2034 and #2150




Full Changelog: 8.0...8.1

You can grab the latest download here for your respective platform.

Prism Launcher 8.0

07 Nov 20:10
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Hello there!

The last feature update was quite a while ago, so we hope we can make up for it by delivering some highly requested features!
Some highlights include: an updater for Windows and Linux, CurseForge export, FTB App import, mod dependency resolution and NeoForge support.
Though there is a lot more, so feel free to check the changelog below.
This is probably the most feature-packed update so far, so there might be some rough edges that we hope to iron out over the next few updates.
At least those future updates should now be easier than ever to install!

We are also happy to announce that @getchoo @TheKodeToad and @Trial97 have joined Prism Launcher as maintainers.
As you are able to see in the changelog below, they all have been doing a lot of work improving Prism Launcher!
Of course we are always happy to see new contributors, so if you think you might be able to help, head over to our GitHub project and see if you might be able to help out.

Until next time!






Full Changelog: 7.2...8.0

You can grab the latest download here for your respective platform.

Prism Launcher 7.2

26 Jul 12:12
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This is a smaller release, with mostly bug fixes. We fixed lots of bugs (old and new) in this one as well as adding some new smaller features.

Until next time!






Full Changelog: 7.1...7.2

Prism Launcher 7.1

16 Jun 12:44
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This is a smaller release, with mostly bug fixes. There are also some minor improvements, like an easier way to open the launcher's data directory, and allowing users to edit instance settings even while an instance is running.

There is also an important fix for the .mrpack export on Windows. Previously, the launcher would bundle all mods into the final modpack ZIP. Now the launcher will correctly bundle the metadata instead. This bug caused trouble at Modrinth as people started uploading these modpacks there. We are very sorry for this bug and hope to catch these kinds of issues through our testing initiative on our Discord server.

Until next time!





Full Changelog: 7.0...7.1

Prism Launcher 7.0

08 Jun 18:53
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It has been a while, but we are finally ready to ship version 7.0. This one comes with a lot of new features, although we sadly also have to say goodbye to some features, namely support for Feed-the-Beast modpacks.

Notable features in this release are advanced copy options, a downloader for resource packs, texturepacks and shaderpacks, a new improved progress dialog and support for exporting instances as Modrinth modpacks (.mrpack). This means that modpack authors can finally use Prism Launcher directly for making Modrinth modpacks.
On the other hand we had to remove support for Feed-the-Beast modpacks as requested by the FTB team. Though a FTB App importer might replace this missing feature in a future release. For more information, you can read our other blog post.
Finally, we want to remind users to be more cautious when downloading mods and modpacks as the fractureiser malware has been discovered. While both Modrinth and CurseForge have checked and removed the infected mods if necessary, stay on guard for external websites and for the possibility of future Minecraft malware.

We are also happy to have two new maintainers on board! @Ryex and @TayouVR will be helping out with the development of the launcher. We hope we can get more releases out the door with more hands helping out. Of course we are always happy to see new contributors, so if you think you might be able to help, head over to our GitHub project and see if you might be able to help out.

Until next time!






Full Changelog: 6.3...7.0

Prism Launcher 6.3

03 Feb 18:40
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Uh, wasn't there a release today already? Well yes there was. It's just that the last update added a new security check for instance components, which sadly made Prism Launcher think that Fabric and Quilt are invalid.
Note that this issue won't cause permanent damage, as that check is done on runtime and is purely for informational purposes.

Make sure to read the previous changelog here to see the other changes as well!



Full Changelog: 6.2...6.3

Prism Launcher 6.2

03 Feb 16:58
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Warning: This release contains a bug that makes it think Fabric and Quilt instances are invalid. Please use a future version instead.


This is a small update that fixes some issues, most notably a nasty issue when importing .mrpack file.
Thanks to all contributors!



  • Make use of logging categories for authentication data logging by @Scrumplex in #684


  • Detect jars from within build folder for development builds by @Ryex in #781
  • Improve the reliability of the Task's stack overflow test by @flowln in #804
  • Correctly parse metadata from some misbehaving Forge mods by @flowln in #743
  • Remove commit hash from builds where git wasn't installed at build time by @getchoo in #666
  • Skip some HTML in markdown rendering by @redstrate in #713
  • Update application metadata by @AshtakaOOf in #680
  • Update copyright notice by @RaptaG in #746
  • Use Qt logging facilities instead of our own by @flowln in #665
  • [Windows] Let Qt handle dark mode titlebar by @TheLastRar in #726
  • [Windows] Update MSVC builds to Qt 6.4.2 by @DioEgizio in #716


  • Better check file paths in .mrpack import and json components by @flowln and @Scrumplex in #810
  • Fix crashes when running a lot of concurrent tasks by @flowln in #758 #784
  • Fix importing 1.16+ Forge Technic Launcher packs by @byquanton in #710
  • Improve handing of ZLib submodule by @TheLastRar in #772 #779
  • [Windows] Fix random ResourceFolderModel test failures on some Windows builds by @flowln in #731

Full Changelog: 6.1...6.2

Prism Launcher 6.1

19 Dec 16:44
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This is a small update that fixes some issues, most of which were introduced by our previous 6.0 release.
Thanks to all contributors!





Full Changelog: 6.0...6.1