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Releases: PlatONnetwork/PlatON-Go


20 Oct 07:27
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v1.4.2 is a maintenance release,fixing some minor issues and adding some optimizations.

Minor changes and bugfixes

  • Fixed the duplicate fetch bug caused by BlockFetcher's identification value based on UncleDist distance.
  • Fixed when a node stops generating new blocks, other nodes can't synchronize blocks from it.
  • Fixed disconnection due to verification failure, caused by wal when restarting.
  • Fixed the mistake that when initiating synchronization, the block number of the local and remote should be the highest number in the memory instead of in the disk.
  • Fixed that UncleHash should be calculated by hashing nil instead of 0 when the block is compatible with Ethereum.
  • Fixed a crash caused by repairing chain if the data is inconsistent when starting the chain (the consensus mechanism dictates that blocks cannot be rolled back)
  • Fixed a bug that when downloader and cbft write blocks in parallel, known errors (e.g. block duplicates) cause err to be thrown to the downloader resulting in a misclassification.
  • Fixed a deadlock of node event subscription when updating the list of verifiers in a special block.
  • Optimized the logic of maximum number of p2p connections.


This version is a minor version upgrade. nodes can choose to upgrade according to its own situation.

De Broglie德布罗意(v1.4.1)

24 Jul 09:13
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v1.4.1 is a maintenance release. we have merged some primary updates to it from go-etherem, and some optimizations were also applied.


  • Synchronised updates of features previous go-ethereum 1.10.3
  • Pre-adaptation of EIP-2718 and EIP-2930 in the code in preparation for enabling and supporting EIP-1559 in the next release
  • Support for enabling the new snapshot mechanism, which supports O(1) access to state during EVM execution
  • Added a way to remove old state from the database by rebuilding the database from a stored snapshot


  • Instead of getting the version from state, judging each historical upgrades is now by blocknum
  • For private chains, update the chainconfig into db after re-reading genesis.json each time you startup
  • To make inter-chain operations easier, hrp is no longer checked when validating bech32 addresses


This version is a minor version upgrade. each node can choose to upgrade according to its own situation.


31 Mar 09:22
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This release is a Major version release which requires a governance proposal, as described in pip-11. We support the Mapo light client protocol by adding a validator-set checksum to header.extra. In addition to that, we resupported the pre-eip155 type of transaction for the sake of eip-2470 .

New Features

  • Adding validator-set checksum to header.extra to support Mapo light client.
  • Resupporting pre-eip155 type of transaction.

Note: For more information, please visit pip-11.


Once the proposal is approved on the chain, the old version will no longer work properly, then node must update its binary to this release.


28 Jan 03:10
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v1.3.2 is a maintenance release, mostly we merged some primary updates of go-etherem.



This version is a minor version upgrade. each node can choose to upgrade according to its own situation.


02 Dec 03:12
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This release is a hotfix release that resolves the problem of node's insularity.
Previously, some nodes suffered P2P disconnection and was slashed due to judgment errors when there are nodes breaking the rules of the consensus.

New fixes

  • Fixed the node insularity problem.
  • Fixed the issue BAD BLOCK appears in log file when node exited(#1973).


This version is a minor version upgrade.
However, unlike in the past, we strongly recommend that you upgrade your node to avoid your node suffering inexplicable P2P disconnection. If you have any question or feedback.


24 Oct 02:03
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This release is a Major version release which requires a governance proposal, as described in pip-10, where we implemented the ability to locking up the undelegated token for a certain amount of epoch, and another core update is the third phase of the pip-7 to adjust the return value of the chainid in the EVM.

New Features

  • Lockup of undelegated token(pip-6).
  • Change the default return value of chainid in EVM from 100 to 210425(pip-7).



Once the proposal is approved on the chain, the old version will no longer work properly, then node must update its binary to this release.


29 Apr 10:25
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In Planck (v1.2.2) we added an eth-compatible CLI flag http.ethcompatible, which allows users to get an eth-compatible json(block) via the rpc/ws.

New Features

  • Added an eth-compatible CLI flag http.ethcompatible,when it is enabled, getBlock via rpc and ws will adapt 3 follow fields to Ethereum:
    • nonce: returns the first 8 bytes
    • timestamp: return in seconds
    • sha3Uncles: returns a default value (zeroHash)


This version is a minor version upgrade. Each node can choose to upgrade according to its own situation. If you have any question or feedback.


15 Apr 03:52
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Herschel (v1.2.1) is the second phase implementation of the PIP-7, which sets the default ChainId used by nodes to a new value (210425).

New Features

  • Change the Mainnet's default ChainId from 100 to 210425.

New fixes

  • Fix contract deployment error when initiating transaction signatures via unlock(truffle-issue-33).
  • Fix error when deploying a contract with a new chainId(issue-1922).


This version is a minor version upgrade. Each node can choose to upgrade according to its own situation. If you have any question or feedback.


02 Apr 10:51
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Newton (v1.2.0) is a PIP optimised update containing two important new features.

New Features


This version requires an upgrade proposal to be initiated on the mainnet, which can be voted on by all validators


24 Feb 02:03
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The Kepler(v1.1.3) version has released. Supported by the core development team, it is an optimized version for the problem PlatON-issue-1885 in response to recent feedbacks from validators on graph-node support.

New Features

· Add PlatON-issue-1885 to support graphql interface at the bottom layer
· Merge Ethereum’s optimization of command line parameters 20935 and node’s refactoring 21105
· Add instruction support for convertType on abigen


Optimization 20935 involves changes to the startup command. Though the new version is compatible with the old command line parameters, we suggest you use the new flags. Please use platon --help to check or refer to the development manual.

This version is a minor version upgrade. Each node can choose to upgrade according to its own situation. If you have any question or feedback