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Habit Tracker

A Habit Tracker, accompanied with a To Do List and a Pomodoro Timer. Motivation Initially I started this project to motivate myself to work on a fairly large project every single day, by creating something I would find useful. Screenshots

Tech/framework used

Built with

  1. Django
  2. Vanilla JS
  3. HTML + CSS( Bulma framework )
  4. Django-simple-bulma
  5. Postgresql


    • Authentication - Users can login, by signing up with emails.
    • Password Reset - For those forgetful individuals, password resets are hosted on gmail through App Passwords.
    • ToDoList - Create Update and Delete Lists the user has created to keep track of different tasks created.
    • Habit Tracker - Helps create habits, by keeping track of the repetitive tasks users have set for themselves. Will ask at the end of each day, have they completed this task. Option to opt in or out of reminders which will be emails sent to the user at their designated times.
    • Pomodoro Tracker - A popular and powerful time management technique that is used to break up a large task into small sprints of intense work. Can keep track of your work sprints and breaks
    • Dashboard- An Overview of what tasks are coming up and need attention and once that are overdue. How many Pomodoros you have completed over the week. Credits


Image of HomeScreen Image of Login Page


Django-simple-bulma Easy to use and a well functioning project, enabling me to implement a nice design and colour scheme to my frontend.