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Aaron Carroll edited this page Mar 9, 2023 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the stl_implementation_practice wiki!

You are much better off using the C++ standard containers. This library is more to learn about how they may have or have defined the containers without all the redirection and allocation specific code found in the stl_vector.h file.

How to use:

We will use "stl_implementation_practice/include/Vector.h" for the examples below. Change the /Vector.h to the container inside "stl_implementation_practice/include" you wish to use.


You an download from this page or you can clone via the following.

git clone


option 1: Add PATH to .bashrc

Configure your PATH so the program that calls it can find the "stl_implementation_practice/include/Vector.h" file (This assumes you know how).

After configuring your path include this line inside your program.

#include "stl_implementation_practice/include/Vector.h"
option 2: Add directly to project

include the header files inside your projects library files.

  • absolute path
#include "home/username/path/to/directory/stl_implementation_practice/include/Vector.h"
  • relative path if included in project
#include "./Your_include_dir/Vector.h"

  1. Remember to use namespace