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Souce Code for PHPConf Taiwan 2014


Please install node.js first (>0.10) and bower package manager

$ npm install -g bower
$ npm install && bower install

Start App

$ npm start

Excuting above command will output the following message.

> [email protected] start /xxxxx/website-2014
> gulp

[13:50:30] Requiring external module coffee-script/register
[13:50:31] Using gulpfile /xxxxx/website-2014/
[13:50:31] Starting 'default'...
[13:50:31] Starting 'connect:app'...
[13:50:31] Finished 'connect:app' after 13 ms
[13:50:31] Finished 'default' after 14 ms
[BS] Local: >>> http://localhost:3000
[BS] External: >>>
[BS] Serving files from: app

Open browser like chrome or firefox and enter http://localhost:3000 URL.


Execute the following command will generate dist folder.

$ npm run release


To test release process by following command.

$ npm test