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Releases: PAMGuard/PAMGuard


30 Jan 14:53
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Version 2.02.10 January 2024
New Features

Importing modules from other configurations: New options from file menu allowing import of specific modules, or module settings from other configurations. E.g. if you had three similar configurations and had set one of them up with a new detector, or got the click classifier settings set up just right in one of those configurations, you can import the additional modules or the click detector settings easily into the other configurations.

Improved SUD (soundtrap compressed files) file performance when scrolling through audio data in Viewer mode.

Viewer Launch by right clicking on sqlite database and selecting “open with / Pamguard ViewerMode” launcher menu option.
Bug Fixes

Logger Forms

Boolean (logical true/false, yes/no) data were not showing correctly in Viewer mode. Now fixed

Data selectors for plotting on map were not working, also fixed

Bearing localizer running offline was not correctly saving updated bearings to the database. Now fixed.

ROCCA Classifier fixes

Allow Rocca to run without classifiers: Fixed bug that threw an error if no classifier files were specified in Rocca Params dialog

Fix memory issue with RoccaContourDataBlocks not being released for garbage collection

Set RoccaContourDataBlock objects to null and stop PamObserver Timer to

force release

Fix problem tracing whistles in Rocca spectrogram pop-up: Whistle and raw data were being cleared before the user had time to trace out the whistle, causing PAMGuard to throw an exception. Both were already being cleared when the pop-up window is closed, so no need to do it here.

DIFAR Module: Bug crashing the module with null pointer errors fixed.

Whistle Detector: Fixed bug which caused the detector to slow to almost zero speed when large complex sounds with many branches were detected.

Click Detector Offline Event Marking: Fixed problem of events not being correctly deleted and also of clicks not being correctly reassigned to different events.

Screen Position: When using multiple monitors, if you move a configuration to a computer with a different monitor layout, the GUI should work out if it’s opening on a screen area which no longer exists and move itself onto the primary monitor.

File Folder Processing: Previous version had a bug which caused files to not always be sorted into the correct order for processing. This caused some instability in some detectors, causing memory leaks when new data arrived with time stamps earlier than already processed data in memory. This is now fixed – files are ow correctly sorted alphabetically by file name, i.e. not including the name of the folder containing the files.


29 Jun 10:48
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Version 2.02.09 June 2023
Bug Fixes

Time zone displays: Fixed some bugs associated with options to have PAMGuard display times in local time, rather than UTC. This was affecting times typed into the scroll bars of displays which were reading local time, even when set to use UTC.

Version 2.02.08 May 2023
Bug Fixes

ROCCA Memory Leak: A memory leak in ROCCA, which mostly occurred when processing large datasets of many offline files, has been fixed.

Data Map: “Scroll To Data” pop-up menu, which didn’t always scroll to the correct place, is now fixed.

Bearing Localiser offline: If reprocessing bearings, the localizer was not correctly loading required raw or FFT data to input to the cross correlation algorithm. This is now fixed so that you can reprocess bearings in viewer mode.

Map files: Added additional exception handlers to handle corrupt map files.

New Features

Restart Options: When you restart processing of offline files, if output data already exist (binary data of within database tables) you will be asked if you want to overwrite the data, cancel, or try to continue from where to left off.

Updated SoundTrap sud file interface so that PAMGuard now extracts and stores the Click Detector settings from the sud files and stores them within the PAMGuard configuration. This does not affect processing, but is important for record keeping.

GPS options to use any valid RMC or GGA string. Not all GPS receivers output their RMC data as GPRMC – e.g. some may output as GNRMC. A new option allows the GPS module to use any string, whatever the first two characters of the string name may be.


10 Jan 11:37
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Latest Version 2.02.07 January 2023
Bug Fixes

Use of localization sensor and orientation data for static hydrophones had a bug whereby it would continually ‘forget’ angle offsets applied to static hydrophones in viewer mode. This is now fixed.

Click tool bar: Correctly shows event selection options even if no species classification options are in place.

Fixed Landmarks: Earlier versions were ‘losing’ these every time PAMGuard started or new data were loaded in viewer mode. Now fixed.

ROCCA: Fixed (another) memory leak which caused PAMGuard to crash when processing large data sets with the ROCCA classifier.

Ishmael Modules: Fixed bug which occasionally caused crashes when processing many files offline.

PAMDog: Fixed bug in watchdog program which was trying to start PAMGuard before modules were fully loaded. The watchdog now correctly waits until modules are loaded before attempting to start PAMGuard processing.

New Features

New sound type for simulated sounds which generates random chirps between around 200 and 800Hz, roughly the frequency you’d expect sound from higher frequency baleen whales, such as humpbacks, to vocalise at.

Hiding tool tips. A menu item to permanently turn off all tool tips, or tap the ‘Esc’ key to turn them off for 6 seconds if they are getting in the way, particularly when trying to interact with displays using the mouse.


20 Dec 10:58
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V2.02.06c Pre-release

Interim release with additional simulator for lowish frequency baleen whales (200Hz to 1kHz)
Bug fix of static objects.


28 Oct 13:04
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Version 2.02.05 October 2022
Click Train Detector Features and Bug Fixes
Changes to GUI to make dialog shorter for low DPI screens.
Complete rewrite of the classification system to have nested classifiers which can be enabled or disabled.
Changes to classification GUI to accommodate the new classification system.
Addition of data selectors to the minimum number of clicks accepted by the classifier. This allows the click-by-click classifier and the click train detector to be used to together to improve classification accuracy.
Bug fixes
Click detection bug fix in kernel which improved click fragmentation.
Bug fix to database were JSON data from classifier was being trimmed.
Comprehensive help file including description of the algorithm, screen grabs and examples.

Other Features
Help documentation for Backup Manager
Help documentation for Matched Click Classifier
Database logging of offline tasks (such as click re-classification, bearing calculation, etc.)
Data selector for Whistle Classifier module
Variable sound output level when using National Instruments devices for sound playback.
Speed improvement when processing flac audio files.
Bug Fixes
Soundtrap DWV import. Will now generate binary files even if DWV file doesn’t exist (which is correct behavior in quiet conditions when no clicks were detected).
Spectrogram. Changes to stop occasional crashing when restarting processing of wav files.
Sizing of dialogs on ultra high definition monitors so that data fields are sized correctly.
Fixed a memory leak in ROCCA
Fixed issues with options in Click Detector bearing time display which (when using planar and 3D arrays) allow you to plot relative to the array, the vessel, or North.


08 Feb 17:44
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Version 2.02.03 February 2022

Some minor bug fixes following our migration to GitHub. Note that the older Bug numbers only refer to bugs reported on the SVN site. New bugs and issues are logged on GitHub at GitHub issue number are referred to with a # symbol

#6 Threading Hydrophone Locator: was not working correctly in the latest release V2.02.02. The problem was particularly apparent in Viewer mode but may have given false array locations in normal mode under some circumstances. This has been fixed

#11 Matched Click Classifier: fixed bug which caused crash running in real time. Added template names based on file names.

#13 Merging files when offline processing file folders: Had an error introduced in last release which caused it to fail to recognise gaps between files, meaning that some output data (i.e. after a gap) would have an incorrect time stamp. This did not affect data if the ‘merge contiguous files’ option was not selected.

#14 Logger forms data were not plotting correctly. This was due to the required data selection functions not being fully implemented. This is now fixed and it should be possible to select what to plot based on selections from drop down lists within any form.