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Step-up Gateway

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This component is part of "Step-up Authentication as-a Service". See Stepup-Deploy for an overview and installation instructions for a complete Stepup system, including this component. The requirements and installation instructions below cover this component only.


  • PHP 7.2
  • Composer
  • A web server (Apache, Nginx)
  • MariaDB 5.5+ (MySQL should work as well)
  • syslog (or change the logging configuration in /app/config/logging.yml)


Clone the repository or download the archive to a directory. Install the dependencies by running composer install && yarn install and fill out the database credentials et cetera.

The Gateway is configured to only accept connections over SSL. Disable this under nelmio_security in config.yml or run the web server using a (self-signed) certificate.

Developer tips

Mock Yubikey service

If you are not in possession of an actual Yubikey device, using the Mock Yubikey service might prove useful. This mock service was created for end to end test purposes, but could be utilized in this situation. To use the mock service:

  1. Update your src/Surfnet/StepupGateway/ApiBundle/Resources/config/services.yml
  2. Find the surfnet_gateway_api.service.yubikey service
  3. Update the service definition to point to this class: class: Surfnet\StepupGateway\ApiBundle\Tests\TestDouble\Service\YubikeyService
  4. Do not commit/push this change!

Running Behat tests

Chances are you are developing using the Stepup-VM development environment. And that, at this point, is the best option for developing the Gateway. However, when writing Behat tests, we run into a wall. As the behat tests do not run out of the box on the Stepup-VM.

In order to run the behat tests, my personal preference is to halt the stepup-vm. And start up the Docker Compose containers that are used in CI. But be carefull here, running them in the same clone that you use in Stepup-VM might cause issues with the parameters and certificates used in the test environment. My suggestion is to create a new clone to run the GW Behat tests in.

From the doc-root:

$ cd ci/docker
$ ./
# If this fails, possibly you'll have to make the app/files folder writable for your docker user
$ docker-compose exec -T bash -c 'composer behat'

Be aware! Make sure any parameter changes are also applied in the ci/config/parameters.yaml.

When finished working on behat tests, stop the containers (docker-compose down), and restart your stepup-vm.

Having them running simultaneous might cause hostname issues, but your mileage may vary.

Release strategy

Please read: fro more information on the release strategy used in Stepup projects.


Documentation specific to this component is located in the docs directory in this repository:

Documentation for the Stepup system can be found in the