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This repository contains a commandline client meant to simulate the MQTT behavior of the Open Air device.


CLI binaries for Windows, Mac and Linux are available in from the Github releases tab.

Usage of openair_mqtt_sim:
  -c int
	number of clients to simulate (default 1)
  -ca-pem string
	path to a ca crt file (pem) to verify the server cert
  -client-certs string
	path to search for client certs and keys, named client_id.pem and client_id.crt respectively (default ".")
      -client-config string
	        path to client configuration, see set "Client Configuration", below
	add a counter to disambiguate messsages
  -f int
	how many seconds to wait between sending measurements (default 10)
  -h string
	broker url to connect to (default "tcp://localhost:1883")
  -n int
	number of total request, -1 for continuous (default 10)
  -qos int
	specify qos value (0,1,2 at most, at least, exactly once)
  -s	suppress detailed output about sent messages
	use sha-1 hashed mac instead of raw mac
	print version & exit

E.g. in order to simulate 5 clients sending messages each every 15 minutes a total of 10 times each:

$ openair_mqtt_sim -c 5 -n 10 -f 900 
				# 15min = 15 * 60 seconds

Use the -sha flag f a sha-1 hash of the mac should be used for both the clientid and within the topic.

QOS (quality of service) is set to 0 (at most once) by default. To experiment with other settings, use the -qos flag. Similarly use -counter to prefix each set of values with a per client counter.

Client Configuration

By default, you specify the number of clients to use and the simulator "generates" them, i.e. a series of ClientIds corresponding to MAC addresses 00:00:00:00:00:00, 01:00:00:00:00:00, etc. are generated. If the -sha flag is present, this value is hashed.

If the simulation finds corresponding crt and pem files in the -client-certs-dir directory, these certificates are used for TLS client authentication.

An alternative approach is to provide a configuration file describing the ClientIds and certificate files to be used. The location of this file is specified using the -client-config flag, an example file is located here

Preliminary TLS support

The simulation will attempt to use TLS in case the broker url is prefixed with tls:// or wss:// instead of tcp:// and ws://.

In case a CA certificate needs to be provided for self-signed server certificates, it may be passed with the -ca-pem flag. In case client TLS authentication should be used, the path containing client certificates and key files should be provided with the -client-certs flag. Certificates and key files corresponding to a particular client ID should be named <clientID>.crt and <clientID>.pem respectively.

Currently, pem files may NOT been protected by passphrase. See #Testing


Source the script to build binaries for Windows, Mac and Linux.


This section describes a simple test setup using a public MQTT server: 1883

Subscribe using e.g: mosquitto_sub -h -p 1883 -t '/7722745105e9e02e8f1aaf17f7b3aac5c56cd805/#' to monitor transfer.

In case TLS is used with the server, connect to port 8883 and use a tls:// url, i.e. tls:// instead of tcp://

TLS client authentication my be tested against port 8884. Ten client certificates have been prepared and signed by mosquitto. These are available in the test directory. The client IDs correspond to the hashed version of the simulated MACs:


A sample commandline to test client authentication would look like:

$ openair_mqtt_sim \
      -h tls:// \
      -sha    # use hashed macs (sample crt's assume hashes are being used) \
      -c 10   # use all ten clients we have certs for \
      -ca-pem test/ \
              # mosquitto uses a self signed cert, need to provide CA cert to verify \
      -client_certs test # directory containing client certs 

The test directory also contains scripts detailing how the test cert material was generated using the openssl cli. CSR's were signed using:

Future Directions

Auto-create self-signed client certificates for local testing.

MQTT Behavior


Typically the MAC address of the ESP32 module serves as the client id of the device. Optionally, the device may use TLS client certification to verify its identity. In this case, the CN entry in the client certificate contains the client id.

Optionally, a SHA hash of the MAC may be used in case of privacy concerns.

For the sake of this simulation, randomly generated mac addresses are generated for each client.

Topic structure

topic      := “/” <device_id> ”/” <sensor>
device_id  := optional_hash(device_MAC)
sensor     := “NO2-B43F” | “NO-B4” | “XS-B431” | “CO-B4” | “BME280-0” | “BME280-1” | "SDS011" Feinstaub (PM25/PM10)
counter    := <incremented once per send>
values     := <value_alpha> | <value_bme> | <value_dust>
value_alpha:= working_electrode_value “,” aux_electrode_value
value_bme  := tmp “,” hum “,” pressure 
value_dust := <pm25> "," <pm10>
we_value   := value
ae_value   := value
temp       := value
hum        := value
pressure   := value
pm_10      := value     
pm_25      := value
value := ASCII Digits, ".",  preceded with an optional Sign ("-")
  • we_value ADC reading of the working electrode
  • ae_value ADC reading of the auxiliary electrode

The "raw" form of sensor value is transmitted to allow for centralised compensation of values. The concrete semantics of "raw" values will be specified per sensor if necessary.

Groups of values originating from a single sensor will typically be transmitted to a single topic, seperated by comma. E.g. The BME280 is regarded as a single sensor which contributes three measurements (temp, humidity and air pressure) and not as a thermometer, hygrometer and barometer each with a single measurement. The is regarded as a rule of thumb and is flexibel for change depending on sensor characteristics.