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convertFQ: Converting RNA to DNA | DNA to RNA in a fastq file


This program is made to help you converting RNA to DNA | DNA to RNA in a fastq file.


Option 1

You can easily install this package using PyPI

$ pip install convertFQ
Option 2

Download the latest realese of convertFQ in my Github repository.

Then install it using pip

$ pip install convertFQ-0.1.0.tar.gz

Example usage

1. Convert RNA to DNA

Converting U (uracil) with T (thymine)

$ convertFQ -i INPUT.fastq -c "rna2dna" -o OUTPUT
2. Convert DNA to RNA

Converting T (thymine) with U (uracil)

$ convertFQ -i INPUT.fastq -c "dna2rna" -o OUTPUT
Command options
$ convertFQ --help

usage: convertFQ [-h] [-v] -i INPUT -c CONVERSION -o OUTPUT

convertFQ: RNA -> DNA | DNA -> RNA

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         Print version and exit.
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        Input FASTQ [Required]
  -c CONVERSION, --conversion CONVERSION
                        rna2dna | dna2rna [Required]
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        output name [Required]


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