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Tobias Kuhn edited this page May 12, 2014 · 8 revisions

(paste your proposed templates here)

Placeholders have the form *PLACEHOLDER*.

Complete Templates

A general template:

@prefix : <*NANOPUB-URI*> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix np: <> .
@prefix dct: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
@prefix pav: <> .
@prefix orcid: <> .

:Head {
    : a np:Nanopublication .
    : np:hasAssertion :Assert .
    : np:hasProvenance :Prov .
    : np:hasPublicationInfo :Info .

:Assert {

:Prov {

:Info {
    : dct:created "*TIMESTAMP*"^^xsd:dateTime .
    : pav:createdBy orcid:*ORCID-OF-CREATOR* .
    : pav:authoredBy orcid:*ORCID-OF-AUTHOR* .


Assertion Templates


Provenance Templates

Assertion was based on a scientific article identified by a DOI:

:Prov {
    :Assert prov:hadPrimarySource <*DOI*> .

Assertion was based on a PubMed article:

:Prov {
    :Assert prov:hadPrimarySource <*PMID*> .

With quoted text:

:Prov {
    :Assert prov:hadPrimarySource *ARTICLE-URI* .
    :Assert prov:wasDerivedFrom [ prov:value "*QUOTED-TEXT*" ; prov:wasQuotedFrom *ARTICLE-URI* ] .

Assertion was derived from a resource (SOURCE-ENTITY), such as a data set, by an activity (SOURCE-ACTIVITY), such as an automated analysis run on that data set:

:Prov {
    :Assert prov:wasDerivedFrom *SOURCE-ENTITY* .
    :Assert prov:wasGeneratedBy *SOURCE-ACTIVITY* .


Publication Info Templates

Minimal publication info:

:Info {
    : dct:created "*TIMESTAMP*"^^xsd:dateTime .
    : pav:createdBy orcid:*ORCID-OF-CREATOR* .

Multiple creators and authors:

:Info {
    : dct:created "*TIMESTAMP*"^^xsd:dateTime .
    : pav:createdBy orcid:*ORCID-OF-CREATOR1* , orcid:*ORCID-OF-CREATOR2* , orcid:*ORCID-OF-CREATOR3* *MORE-CREATORS* .
    : pav:authoredBy orcid:*ORCID-OF-AUTHOR1* , orcid:*ORCID-OF-AUTHOR2* , orcid:*ORCID-OF-AUTHOR3* *MORE-AUTHORS* .


:Info {
    : dct:rights *LICENSE-URI* .
    : dct:rightsHolder *RIGHTSHOLDER-URI* .


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