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A static build of IOCamlJS, which is a list of Online OCaml Javascript REPLs. They allow you to use the OCaml language, running on your browser (client-side, using Javascript), pretty much like BetterOCaml ( but using the IPython notebook interface from 2014.

TL;DR: I wanted to copy this folder to, and so I did the following.

How to obtain this?

Git clone the repository, check out the gh-pages branch, then use Jekyll static website builder to compile the website:

git clone
git branch origin/gh-pages
jekyll build

The _site/ folder is now ready to be sent to any folder on your website.

How to deploy to your own website?

If you want this folder to be sent to, you have to change the _config.yml file from to change the root_path key:

root_path: /dest/folder/

For instance, to deploy to, I had to use:

root_path: /besson/publis/iocamljs

Where is this deployed on my own websites?

License and copyright?

This is NOT my property, it is the copyright of @andrewray, released under the MIT License.