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Vue Sure Toast

Vue Sure Toast is a simple VueJS toast plugin. This plugin contains built in features for theming, position, and more. See below for a full list of features.


First import the plugin.

import SureToast from 'vue-sure-toast';

Then configure the plugin with Vue.

// The simplest implementation.

// You can set default option values for the plugin here.  See a full list of options below.
Vue.use(SureToast, options);

// Here is a sample that sets the position and theme for all the toasts.
Vue.use(SureToast, {
  position: 'top-left',
  theme: 'warning'

Basic Usage

Displaying a toast message from within a component.

// The simplest method for displaying toast.

this.$, icon);

this.$, icon, options);

The options parameter can contain an action that will be appended to the toast an a link.

this.$'I am a toast message', 'fa fa-info-circle', {
  interval: 5000,
  enableManualDismiss: true,
  action: { 
    text: 'DISMISS', 
    onClick: (e, toast) => { alert('TOAST CLICKED: ' + toast); } 

You can also pass an array of actions when displaying a toast. If you pass both the 'action' and 'actions' property the 'action' property will take precedence over 'actions'. Make sure you pass one to save yourself some trouble.

this.$'I am a toast message', 'fa fa-info-circle', {
  interval: 5000,
  enableManualDismiss: true,
  actions: [
      text: 'OPEN', 
      onClick: (e, toast) => { alert('OPEN CLICKED: ' + toast); } 
      text: 'DISMISS', 
      onClick: (e, toast) => { alert('CLOSE CLICKED: ' + toast); } 

Toast Hooks

There are to methods you can hook into that will get fired when a toast is opened or closed.

// If you want a fire onOpened or onClosed for a specific toast you can do it like so.
this.$'I am a toast message', 'fa fa-info-circle', {
  interval: 5000,
  onOpened(e) {
    console.log('toast opened');
  onClosed(e) {
    console.log('toast closed');

If you want to fire the onOpened and onClosed for all the toasts you can pass define your functions in the plugin options.

Vue.use(SureToast, {
  onOpened() {
    console.log('toast opened');
  onClosed() {
    console.log('toast closed');

Any plugin level options that are passed through the show function will be ignored by the plugin.

Plugin/Toast Options

Below is a full list of the available options for both the defaults and individual toasts.

Option Type Values Default Description
interval number any number (milliseconds) 5000ms The duration the toast is visible
enableManualDismiss boolean true, false false Allows toasts to be manually dismissed
position string 'top-left', 'top-right', 'bottom-right', 'bottom-left', 'top', 'bottom' 'top-right' Screen position of the toast
theme string 'success', 'error', 'info', 'warning', 'default' 'default' The color scheme of the toast
limit number any whole number 3 How many toasts can be displayed at once
persist boolean true, false false Forces toasts to remain on screen (overrides interval)
reverseToastOrder boolean true, false false If true displays the latest toasts at the bottom
showProgressBar boolean true, false false If true displays the a progress bar across the bottom of toast with displaying the remaining time left for the toast
onOpened function N/A undefined Executed after a toast is opened
onClosed function N/A undefined Executed after a toast is closed

Plugin ONLY Options

Below is a full list of the options that can only be set at the plugin level (passed to the Vue.use function).

Option Type Values Default Description
position string 'top-left', 'top-right', 'bottom-right', 'bottom-left', 'top', 'bottom' 'top-right' Screen position of the toast
limit number any whole number 3 How many toasts can be displayed at once
reverseToastOrder boolean true, false false If true displays the latest toasts at the bottom


Below is a full list of the methods available through the Vue instance.

Method Parameters Description
show message, icon, options Display a toast with the default options
showSuccess message, icon, options Displays a success toast (sets theme to 'success')
showError message, icon, options Displays an error toast (sets theme to 'error')
showWarning message, icon, options Displays a warning toast (sets theme to 'warning')
showInfo message, icon, options Display an information toast (sets theme to 'info')
dismiss toast Removes a given toast from the DOM (NOT WORKING)
dismissAll N/A Removes all toasts from the DOM


Below is a full list of properties availble through the Vue instance.

Property Type Description
pluginDefaultOptions object Stores the defaults for the plugin. This is used as a fallback if no plugin or toast level settings are set by the user
userDefaultOptions object Stores the default options configured at the plugin level by the user
toastsLoaded number Stores the current number of toasts visible on the DOM
toasts array Stores an array of DOM elements that represents the toasts current visible on the DOM


This plugin was inspired by vue-toasted


Developed by: NSSure


A simple and easy to use toast plugin built for Vue.







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