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Michael Walsh edited this page Feb 7, 2016 · 3 revisions


There's a long way to go before the game can even be branded as alpha. The current list of aims for this project are below. Bolded items are complete.


Main Menu

Pretty much almost finished, just a few more things to do.

  • Create and add game logo
  • Add quit button

Level Select

Current level select is just a placeholder. It will be completely re-designed with a new UI system.

  • Re-design level select
  • Add worlds, each containing ~15 levels, instead of the current level select system
  • Add appropriate art

Download Menu

When selecting worlds, players will also be able to browse user levels and download them.

  • Create download menu system
  • Finish off download PHP scripts

Settings Menu

As of the time of writing, the settings menu does not exist at all, but it will be akin to your standard settings menu, allowing the user to change various graphics settings and game play preferences.

  • Graphics Quality
  • Resolution
  • Tutorials enabled
  • Brightness, gamma etc

Level Editor

Mechanism Tinkering

When users select a mechanism, they will be able to alter its properties in the tinker panel. This includes properties such as which group the mechanism belongs to, if it begins in an off or off state, how many inputs it needs before switching state and what way it is facing.

  • Populate the mechanism panel with correct details
  • Make changes in the panel apply to the selected mechanism
  • Re-design how levels are loaded with mechanisms, as they are getting a lot more complex

Upload Level

Users of the level editor will be able to upload their levels to a web server, where they can be shared with players across the world. A log in system will need to be implemented to avoid level spam.

  • Create validity checked upload menu on client
  • Finish web server PHP scripting


Beginner tutorial

Some aspects of the game may be confusing to new players, so a tutorial system will be added in the near future.

  • Show the player how to move via which buttons to press
  • Guide the player through the first level, teaching them about the basic mechanics of the game
  • Every time a new entity or mechanism type is introduced, show the player a tutorial on how they work

Star System

To make the game feel more rewarding to play, a star system will be added, were players can obtain up to 3 stars in a level to add to their total. In future, stars will be used to unlock special bonus levels.

  • Each level will have 3 starts to obtain
  • The condition for obtaining these stars will differ on a level to level basis
  • A star is always awarded for completing the level
  • The remaining two will be awarded for either finishing the level within a certain amount of steps or time, or as a physical star in the level which the player will need to move onto to pick up

Lasers and stuff

The second world will be laser and machine based; several new block types will have to be added to achieve this.

  • Conveyor Belts - When powered by an input device, will move anything on them in the direction they are facing. Can be chained.
  • Lasers - Laser emitter devices that can be rotated will be implemented. When a laser reaches a receiver, the receiver will output on whatever group it is on. Mechanisms which refract and deflect lasers will also be added.
  • Pistons - When powered, these mechanisms will push whatever objects are in front of them forward, even if multiple entities are in a row.