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Commands to automate some release tasks.



Or on the local machine

pip install cutejoe


Some commands are available on CLI. To see all available commands, type:

cutejoe --help


Configuration File

Script to create default configuration file.

cutejoe config-file --help

start and end are the range commits to get the log messages. folder is where the changelogs will be saved. kinds are composed of: - labels (prefix of the commit messages), - title (title of this kind section), - version (major, minor or patch). default_title is the title used if the commit message has no valid kind.


Script to generate changelog based on the commit messages.

cutejoe changelog --help

Changes on changelog generation

For every PR, the reviewer will be required to follow this pattern when "squash and merge" the PR:


The kind and message must be written by the PR owner on the PR message. The reviewer must only copy the kind and message to the merge commit body.

* Valid kinds:

  • break: fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected;
  • add: non-breaking change that adds functionality;
  • change: non-breaking change that changes existing functionality;
  • deprecate: non-breaking change that deprecates existing functionality;
  • remove: non-breaking change that removes existing functionality;
  • security: non-breaking change that fixes existing vulnerability;
  • fix: non-breaking change that fixes existing issue.

(kinds are defined on the configuration file)

**If someone forget to prefix with the kind, the message will be on the Uncategorized subsection.


add:script to generate changelog based on commit messages <- THIS MESSAGE MUST BE COPIED TO THE MERGE COMMIT MESSAGE

Changes on release and tag process

When a release is to be made, we checkout to the develop specific commit and run this command:

cutejoe changelog

The changelog is created to the /changelog folder and the release branch name is printed on the screen, like release/v1.0.1

Template for the .github/ of your project

In order to standardize the PR commit messages, it's desirable to create/change the .github/

## Squash and Merge Message

Please write the merge message:


**\* Valid types:**
- `break`: fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected;
- `add`: non-breaking change that adds functionality;
- `change`: non-breaking change that changes existing functionality;
- `deprecate`: non-breaking change that deprecates existing functionality;
- `remove`: non-breaking change that removes existing functionality;
- `security`: non-breaking change that fixes existing vulnerability;
- `fix`: non-breaking change that fixes existing issue.

(kinds are defined on the config file, change the valid types section according to your config file)

Template for the of your project

It's advisable to inform on the the PR commit pattern adopted by your project:

This project follows the [CuteJoe PR commit pattern and changelog](


  • Commands to automate the entire release process (create branch, change version, etc);