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An evaluation of three object detection algorithms on historical data


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  1. Overview
  2. Conda
  3. Jupyter
  4. Custom scripts
  5. Darknet
  6. Single Shot Detector
  7. RetinaNet
  8. Problems and solutions


In this repo three different object detection networks are compared and evaluated on historical images (1938-1945):



To install Anaconda (Not miniconda) use this guide:

For this evaluation Anaconda version 4.8.0, has been used.



The util evironment is used for the custom scripts.

With Anaconda installed the installation is quit simple. First create the environment by running:

conda create -n Util --file util.txt

then install the kernel into Jupyter by first activating the environment and then by running:

conda activate Util
python -m ipykernel install --user --name Util --display-name "Util"


The SSD environtment is used for the training and evaluation of SSD.

With Anaconda installed the installation is quit simple. First create the environment by running:

conda create -n SSD --file ssd_clean.txt

then install the kernel into Jupyter by first activating the environment and then by running:

conda activate SSD
python -m ipykernel install --user --name SSD --display-name "SSD"


The RetinaNet environment is used for training and evaluating RetinaNet.

With Anaconda installed the installation is quit simple. First create the environment by running:

conda create -n RetinaNet --file retinanet_clean.txt

then activate the environment by running:

conda activate RetinaNet

then install all the dependencies which are not available in Conda, by running:

pip install -r retinaNet_pip_Requirements.txt

Note: If you encounter the Error 13 "Permission denied" see the problems section. And finally run:

python -m ipykernel install --user --name RetinaNet --display-name "RetinaNet"

to install the kernel to Jupyter.


As darknet doesn't use python (for training) no conda environment is needed.


Here a short introduction to Jupyter is given. In the following image one can see the interface of Jupyter. The buttons do the following (from left to right):

  1. Save
  2. New cell
  3. Cut cell
  4. Copy cell
  5. Paste cell
  6. One cell up
  7. One cell down
  8. Run the current cell
  9. Interrupt kernel (Ctrl + C)
  10. Reload kernel
  11. Run all cells
  12. Select what type of text is written in the cell (Markdown for documentation, Code for Python)
  13. Command window

jupyter overview

In the following image one can see how to select a new kernel.

select kernel

Custom scripts

Note: Select the Util kernel!

Under custom_scripts/ one can find the script for the dataset preparation (copyImages.ipynb). Open it by using Jupyter, on a remote host run (Port forwarding must be enabled):

jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=8081

On a local machine run:

jupyter notebook

Then open custom_scripts/copyImages.ipynb. Change the path to the correct folders and run the program.

First, set the paths for the input images and groundtruth:

Note: use the following folder structure:

path/to/some_folder/images				<-- Contains the images (Input of OpenLabeling)
path/to/some_folder/groundtruth			<-- Contains the darknet groundruth (Output of OpenLabeling)
path/to/some_folder/groundtruth_voc		<-- Contains the voc groundtruth (Output of OpenLabeling)

Optionally: The standard image input format is .png, if .jpg is used, adapt the code (Cell 3 line 39 and cell 4 line 30)

Optionally: By standard the darknet groundtruth is filtered, so only civilian, soldier and civil vehicle is annotated, if you use a different dataset or want to train with all classes, remove or comment this section.

Second, run the script:

Depending on the script run two (train,val) or one (test) new folder will appear in the custom_scripts/ folder.

Third, copy images:




darknet_train/train.txt --> darknet/x64/Release/data
darknet_train/images/*.jpg --> darknet/x64/Release/data/img_train
darknet_train/groundtruth/*.txt --> darknet/x64/Release/data/img_train

darknet_val/val.txt --> darknet/x64/Release/data
darknet_val/images/*.jpg --> darknet/x64/Release/data/img_val
darknet_val/groundtruth/*.txt --> darknet/x64/Release/data/img_val


Make a new folder called VOCTemplate with the following subfolders:



darknet_train/trainval_voc.txt --> VOCTemplate/VOC2019/ImageSets/Main/trainval.txt
darknet_train/images/*.jpg --> VOCTemplate/VOC2019/JPEGImages
darknet_train/groundtruth_voc/*.txt --> VOCTemplate/VOC2019/Annotations

darknet_val/val_voc.txt --> VOCTemplate/VOC2019/ImageSets/Main/val.txt
darknet_val/images/*.jpg --> VOCTemplate/VOC2019/JPEGImages
darknet_val/groundtruth_voc/*.txt --> VOCTemplate/VOC2019/Annotations


Darknet: Copy:

darknet_test/test.txt --> darknet/x64/Release/data
darknet_test/images/*.jpg --> darknet/x64/Release/data/img_test
darknet_test/groundtruth/*.txt --> darknet/x64/Release/data/img_test

VOC: Copy:

darknet_test/test_voc.txt --> VOCTemplate/VOC2019/ImageSets/Main/test.txt
darknet_test/images/*.jpg --> VOCTemplate/VOC2019/JPEGImages
darknet_test/groundtruth_voc/*.txt --> VOCTemplate/VOC2019/Annotations


Setting Civilian Soldier
With Aug. 16,56 AP & 0,12 RC 0,00 AP & 0,00 RC
No Training 36,94 AP & 0,31 RC -

To install darknet and its prerequisites please follow the instructions of the original repo:

After installing darknet and preparing the images and groundtruth, one must prepare the dataset. Instructions for this can be found here:

Note: A dummy dataset structure is already prepared under darknet/x64. If you just want to redo the training on the civilian, soldier and civil vehicle, just copy the training/validation images into


and the train.txt and val.txt into


After the final dataset preparation, one must download the pretrained weights for the convolutional layers from: 

into the darknet/ folder. After this is done run:

./darknet detector train x64/Release/data/ cfg/cvsp_hist.cfg darknet53.conv.74 -map -dont_show -mjpeg_port 8090

to train the network. -map calculates the mean average presision every 1000 steps, -dont_show hides the loss curve (which would crash the training when running on a remote pc) and -mjpeg_port allows watching the loss/map-chart on the local pc under localhost:8090 (SSH Port forwarding is needed for this, see for instructions). The following custom training configs have been made:

CFG Name Setting
cvsp_hist_no_aug.cfg Training without augmentation
cvsp_hist.cfg Training with augmentation
cvsp_hist_freeze_1.cfg Training with augmentation, freeze before first Yolo-Layer
cvsp_hist_freeze_2.cfg Training with augmentation, freeze before second Yolo-Layer
cvsp_hist_freeze_3.cfg Training with augmentation, freeze before third Yolo-Layer


Precision-Recall-Curve Civilian Precision-Recall-Curve Soldier

Note: Select the SSD kernel!

Under ssd_keras/ one can find the scripts for training (cvsp_ssd300_training_custom.ipynb) and evaluating (cvsp_ssd300_evaluation.ipynb) SSD. Open them by using Jupyter, on a remote host run (Port forwarding must be enabled):

jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=8081

On a local machine run:

jupyter notebook

Download the pretrained weights from:

For a detailed description on how to train the network read the readme from the orginial repo, which you can find under ssd_keras/

If you just want to redo the training follow these steps:

  1. Open cvsp_ssd300_training_custom.ipynb
  2. Change the path in line 23 in cell 2.1 to the just downloaded weights (but then don't run run cell 2.2).
  3. OR: Change the path in line 2 in cell 2.2 to previously trained weights to continue training.
  4. Change the paths in lines 13, 16, 20 and 21 in cell 3 to the respective dataset paths.
  5. In the second cell of 4 change line 4 to the folder were the weights should be saved in.
  6. Change initial epoch, final epoch and steps per epoch to your desired numbers.

If you just want to redo the evaluation follow these steps: 0. Open cvsp_ssd300_evaluation.ipynb

  1. Change the path in line 32 in cell 1.1 to the trained weights.
  2. Change lines 4 - 6 in cell 2 to your dataset.
  3. Run all sections until cell 5. This gives you the mAP and the Precision-Recall-Curve for civilian and soldier.


Precision-Recall-Curve Civilian (ResNet50) Precision-Recall-Curve Soldier (ResNet50)

Note: Select the RetinaNet kernel!

RetinaNet doesn't use a Jupyter notebook for training. For a detailed guide how to train RetinaNet take a look at the readme under keras_retinanet/

If you just want to redo the training use this command:


python keras_retinanet/bin/ --backbone=mobilenet224_1.0 --gpu=1 pascal /path/to/VOCTemplate/VOC2019/


python keras_retinanet/bin/ --backbone=resnet50 --gpu=1 pascal /path/to/VOCTemplate/VOC2019/


python keras_retinanet/bin/ --backbone=resnet152--gpu=1 pascal /path/to/VOCTemplate/VOC2019/

Note: With the --gpu flag you can specify a gpu

If you want to evaluate run:

python keras_retinanet/bin/ --gpu=1 --backbone=resnet152 --score-threshold=0.05 --iou-threshold=0.5  pascal /path/to/VOCTemplateTest/VOC2019/ snapshots/resnet152_pascal_05.h5

Note: Exchange the backbone to fit the weights (mobilenet224_1.0, resnet50, resnet152) Note: This will also save the precision-recall-curves for civilian and soldier to the keras_retinanet/ folder.

Problems and solutions

  • Darknet can't read input image
    • Solution: Don't use OpenCV to save the image, use Scipy
    • Other solution: Instead of using relative paths in the train, val and test.txt use the absolute path. This is done by replacing the relative paths in the custom script. (Cell 3 line 90 and 107, as well as Cell 4 line 77)
  • While installing the pip requirements with RetinaNet you encounter the Error 13 Permission denied?
    • Check which pip is used, by running "which pip". You should see that it uses the system python and pip. To fix this modify the PATH system variable, such that the path to anaconda is first. (echo $PATH export PATH=/path/to/anaconda3/envs/RetinaNet/bin:/path/to/python/bin)
  • How do i show the code line in Jupyter?
    • ESC then l (small L), has to be done per cell.
  • Problems while compiling Darknet?
    • Remove the anaconda paths from the path environment (/path/to/anaconda3/...) as cmake and make could use the (incomplete) cuda and opencv from anaconda instead of the installed versions from the system.
    • Dont use OpenCV 3.4.1 in this repo we used 3.4.0, but every OpenCV >= 2.4 should work, according to the author.
  • If you run out of memory, change the batch size of the network. For yolo this is at the top of the .cfg file, though yolo also provides the option of subdivision, which is perferable (increase the subdivision to 32/64).




An evaluation of three object detection algorithms on historical data








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