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MERN stack

MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js

Backend is implemented using the MVC pattern.

This is a project that simulates Udemy. Course website where you can add a course, and for each course you can add videos, each video has the option to post comments as well. In the project I have registration, login and Authentication, in addition there is a check if the user is an admin user or a regular user. The difference between them is that an admin user can add new videos on the site while a regular user can only watch the videos.

For admin permissions login with

Email: [email protected]

Password: 1234567


When a user signs up BcryptJs hashes the password and JsonWebToken provides a token that can be exchanged for authenticated calls between the client and server-side. Created an Authorization middleware using JWT that checks the header in each call for a valid token before executing any request and sending a status back.


Used Multer as part of a server-side middleware that uploads images and uses them as an avatar picture on a user's profile. Also Sharp which is converting large images in common formats to smaller, web-friendly JPEG, PNG, WebP, GIF and AVIF images.


home_page! video_page! profile_page!


udemy_mobile3 udemy_mobile2 udemy_mobile1