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sophiamaedler committed Oct 17, 2023
1 parent 694d3ea commit e001080
Showing 1 changed file with 299 additions and 0 deletions.
299 changes: 299 additions & 0 deletions src/sparcscore/pipeline/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -376,3 +376,302 @@ def inference(self,

path = os.path.join(self.run_path,f"dimension_reduction_{model_fun.__name__}.tsv")

class CellFeaturizer:

Class for classifying single cells using a pre-trained machine learning model.
This class takes a pre-trained model and uses it to classify single_cells,
using the model’s forward function or encoder function, depending on the
user’s choice. The classification results are saved to a TSV file.

DEFAULT_LOG_NAME = "processing.log"

def __init__(self,
intermediate_output = True):

""" Class is initiated to classify extracted single cells.
config : dict
Configuration for the extraction passed over from the :class:`pipeline.Dataset`.
output_directory : str
Directory for the extraction log and results. Will be created if not existing yet.
debug : bool, optional, default=False
Flag used to output debug information and map images.
overwrite : bool, optional, default=False
Flag used to recalculate all images, not yet implemented.

self.debug = debug
self.overwrite = overwrite
self.config = config
self.intermediate_output = intermediate_output
self.project_location = project_location

# Create segmentation directory = path
if not os.path.isdir(

# Set up log and clean old log
if self.CLEAN_LOG:
log_path = os.path.join(, self.DEFAULT_LOG_NAME)
if os.path.isfile(log_path):

# check latest cluster run
current_level_directories = [name for name in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, name))]
runs = [int(i) for i in current_level_directories if self.is_Int(i)]

self.current_run = max(runs) +1 if len(runs) > 0 else 0
self.run_path = os.path.join(, str(self.current_run) + "_" + self.config["screen_label"] ) #to ensure that you can tell by directory name what is being classified

if not os.path.isdir(self.run_path):
self.log("Created new directory " + self.run_path)

self.log(f"current run: {self.current_run}")

def is_Int(self, s):
return True
except ValueError:
return False

def get_timestamp(self):
#Returns the current date and time as a formatted string.

# datetime object containing current date and time
now =

dt_string = now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
return "[" + dt_string + "] "

def log(self, message):

#Writes a message to a log file and prints it to the console if debug is True.

log_path = os.path.join(self.run_path, self.DEFAULT_LOG_NAME)

if isinstance(message, str):
lines = message.split("\n")

if isinstance(message, list):
lines = message

if isinstance(message, dict):

lines = []
for key, value in message.items():
lines.append(f"{key}: {value}")

for line in lines:
with open(log_path, "a") as myfile:
myfile.write(self.get_timestamp() + line +" \n")

if self.debug:
print(self.get_timestamp() + line)

def __call__(self,
Function called to perform classification on the provided HDF5 dataset.
extraction_dir : str
directory containing the extracted HDF5 files from the project. If this class is used as part of a project processing workflow this argument will be provided automatically.
accessory : list
list containing accessory datasets on which inference should be performed in addition to the cells contained within the current project
size : int, default = 0
How many cells should be selected for inference. Default is 0, then all cells are selected.
Writes results to tsv files located in the project directory.
If this class is used as part of a project processing workflow, the first argument will be provided by the ``Project``
class based on the previous segmentation. Therefore, only the second and third argument need to be provided. The Project
class will automaticly provide the most recent segmentation forward together with the supplied parameters.
.. code-block:: python
# define acceossory dataset: additional hdf5 datasets that you want to perform an inference on
# leave empty if you only want to infere on all extracted cells in the current project
accessory = ([], [], [])
project.classify(accessory = accessory)
The following parameters are required in the config file:
.. code-block:: yaml
# channel number on which the classification should be performed
channel_classification: 4
#number of threads to use for dataloader
threads: 24
dataloader_worker: 24
#batch size to pass to GPU
batch_size: 900
#path to pytorch checkpoint that should be used for inference
network: "path/to/model/"
#classifier architecture implemented in SPARCSpy
# choose one of VGG1, VGG2, VGG1_old, VGG2_old
classifier_architecture: "VGG2_old"
#if more than one checkpoint is provided in the network directory which checkpoint should be chosen
# should either be "max" or a numeric value indicating the epoch number
epoch: "max"
#name of the classifier used for saving the classification results to a directory
screen_label: "Autophagy_15h_classifier1"
# list of which inference methods shoudl be performed
# available: "forward" and "encoder"
# if "forward": images are passed through all layers of the modela nd the final inference results are written to file
# if "encoder": activations at the end of the CNN is written to file
encoders: ["forward", "encoder"]
# on which device inference should be performed
# for speed should be "cuda"
inference_device: "cuda"

# is called with the path to the segmented image
# Size: number of datapoints of the project dataset considered
# ===== Dataloaders =====
# should be HDF5SingleCellDataset for .h5 datasets
# project_dataloader: dataloader for the project dataset
# accessory_dataloader: dataloader for the accesssory datasets

self.log("Started classification")
self.log(f"starting with run {self.current_run}")

accessory_sizes, accessory_labels, accessory_paths = accessory

self.log(f"{len(accessory_sizes)} different accessory datasets specified")

# generate project dataset dataloader
# transforms like noise, random rotations, channel selection are still hardcoded
t = transforms.Compose([ChannelSelector([self.config["channel_classification"]])])

self.log(f"loading {extraction_dir}")

# redirect stdout to capture dataset size
f = io.StringIO()
with redirect_stdout(f):
dataset = HDF5SingleCellDataset([extraction_dir],[0],"/",transform=t,return_id=True)

if size == 0:
size = len(dataset)
residual = len(dataset) - size
dataset, _ =, [size, residual])

# Load accessory dataset
for i in range(len(accessory_sizes)):
self.log(f"loading {accessory_paths[i]}")
with redirect_stdout(f):
local_dataset = HDF5SingleCellDataset([accessory_paths[i]],

if len(local_dataset) > accessory_sizes[i]:
residual = len(local_dataset) - accessory_sizes[i]
local_dataset, _ =, [accessory_sizes[i], residual])

dataset =[dataset,local_dataset])

# log stdout
out = f.getvalue()

# classify samples
dataloader =,batch_size=self.config["batch_size"], num_workers=self.config["dataloader_worker"], shuffle=True)

def calculate_statistics(self, img):
N, _, _, _ = img.shape
mean = img.view(N, -1).mean(1, keepdim = True)
median = img.view(N, -1).quantile(q = 0.5, dim = 1, keepdim = True)
quant75 = img.view(N, -1).quantile(q = 0.75, dim = 1, keepdim = True)
quant25 = img.view(N, -1).quantile(q = 0.25, dim = 1, keepdim = True)
results = torch.concat([mean, median, quant75, quant25], 1)

def inference(self,

# 1. performs inference for a dataloader
# 2. saves the results to file

data_iter = iter(dataloader)
self.log(f"start processing {len(data_iter)} batches")
with torch.no_grad():

x, label, class_id = next(data_iter)
r = self.calculate_statistics(x)
result = r

for i in range(len(dataloader)-1):
if i % 10 == 0:
self.log(f"processing batch {i}")
x, l, id = next(data_iter)

r = self.calculate_statistics(x)
result =, r), 0)
label =, l), 0)
class_id =, id), 0)

label = label.numpy()
class_id = class_id.numpy()

# save inferred activations / predictions
result_labels = ["mean", "median", "quant75", "quant25"]

dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data=result, columns=result_labels)
dataframe["label"] = label
dataframe["cell_id"] = class_id.astype("int")

self.log(f"finished processing")

path = os.path.join(self.run_path,f"calculated_features.tsv")

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